Welcome to Vivaldi's Feature Requests for Vivaldi on computers

A few tips before posting:

  • Search to make sure the feature you have in mind hasn’t been requested already.
  • Upvote 👍 features you'd like to see implemented.
  • If a feature hasn’t been requested, start a new topic. Post only one feature request per topic.
  • Choose a clear and concise title for the topic, describe the feature in more detail in the body of the post and give the topic a relevant tag.
  • Duplicate and invalid requests will be closed and archived.
  • Discuss requested features under each post.
  • Check tags such as In Progress, Pipeline and Nice to have for status of features.

Full instructions on searching and requesting new features can be found on this Help page.

Filter feature requests:

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  • Collection of implemented feature requests.

  • Place for duplicate, invalid and old feature requests.


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