Hello first of all. I really don't appreciate the condescending manner in which you have replied to my post. You are telling me about something that I am already aware of and have done that previously with other browsers. I am referring to knowing the difference between .HTML file and the Bookmarks/Bookmarks.BAK. Though I was not too clear on what was the difference between Bookmarks and the Bookmarks.BAK files until DoctorG had explained that in his post.
"Again, I tell you to restore your backups you have in this "Carbonite" thing"
when you say that you assumed that I have Carbonite "thing" as you call it which is actually a Robust Back UP software that I have been using for a very long time and it helped me in other instances when I had to restore a file that was deleted. You were not too clear when you said restore the back up. I assumed and that's why I had asked you how do you that as I took it as you were referring in your reply to Bookmarks.BAK. Since I did not say anything about Carbonite in my initial post.
Secondly, No one made any suggestions on how to place the unsorted Bookmarks back into their perspective Bookmarks folders as they were before this problem happened.
Thirdly, "and you should learn to do this regularly as a backup measure"
I don't do that manually as I would have to do that on a daily basis since I add many bookmarks from day to day and I may not always remember to do that. Save the Bookmarks as. HTML file that is. That's why I rely on Carbonite.
Finally, "We can't know what you have done to get into this situation"
I had stated that it is more than likely the EverSync extension might have been the culprit as DoctorG had mentioned that in his post. BTW, I had read the reviews after the fact about the EverSync Extension.
Thank you,
Basem Khawaja