Inconsistent behavior for "remove from tab stack" shortcut key from right click menu.
Very frustratingly, the shortcut for this could now be either "O" or "M" depending on whether one or multiple tabs are selected. Worse still the "O" shortcut could also depending on circumstance trigger "Close Other" Tabs which is the last thing you want to do when spending the time to arrange multiple tabs at once.
Both "O" and "M" are inferior to the previous implementation that made "E" the defacto shortcut for the right click -> remove from tab stack option as this could be easily done with the left hand without moving from the home row.
Please give us a more ergonomic (and consistent) way to do this common operation.
@Machineabuse Hi, instead of trying to accommodate every user's special opinions and needs, Vivaldi takes another approach, one which takes a little learning from the user but pays off big once you learn to change things to your preference.
Particularly the Rename section.Takes a few seconds to change once you understand how to do it.
Please give us a more ergonomic (and consistent) way to do this common operation.
If ergonomics is really that important to you, I suggest you also look at using hotkeys and the Quick Commands. -
@Pathduck I appreciate the solution. What I did was remove the rename tab feature since that's nothing that can't already be done by double clicking on the tab identity.
While I do like that I can customize the UI, what I will say is the fact that I can wake up tomorrow and find that a new feature breaks the way the old(current?) UI functions is somewhat disconcerting. Thanks again.