@Levrini Thanks for posting this, I overlooked this change in the 6.2 release notes and only noticed the different behavior now, so I was wondering if this was a bug which should be reported or intentional, and your post was the only reference that I could find.
It's unfortunate that this isn't an exposed preference, especially because the function that formats data sizes does take an optional base argument, whose default value I patched in bundle.js to revert to the previous behavior.
For anyone else looking for this logic, here is how it appears in 6.9.3447.51:
const mh=[(0,nt.Z)("B"),(0,nt.Z)("kB"),(0,nt.Z)("MB"),(0,nt.Z)("GB"),(0,nt.Z)("TB"),(0,nt.Z)("PB"),(0,nt.Z)("EB"),(0,nt.Z)("ZB"),(0,nt.Z)("YB")],vh=(0,nt.Z)("bytes");
function fh(e,t,n=!0,i=!1){if(isNaN(e))return e?e.toString():"";if(e<=0)return"0 "+(n?vh:mh[0]);const s=i?1024:1e3,o=t??(e<s?0:2);let a=mh.length-1;for(var r=0;r<mh.length;r++)if(e<Math.pow(s,r+1)){a=r;break}let l=(e/Math.pow(s,a)).toLocaleString(void 0,{maximumFractionDigits:o});if(o>0){const e="."+"0".repeat(o);l.endsWith(e)&&(l=l.substring(0,l.length-e.length))}const d=0===a&&n?vh:mh[a];return l+(d?" "+d:"")}
The fourth argument i in function fh defaults to false, which means base-1000, while true means base-1024.
For those who prefer IEC units (MiB) instead of JEDEC (MB), you can change that mh array to get the suffix abbreviations you want.