So, 2 generations of subterranian feral crypto-nerd subhumans later,
I stumble across this 'mute', 'unmute' debacle. and, i do say, "debacle". yeah. i just like to say it. Debacle. debacle debacle debacle.
Yep, i'm lookin at hotkeys, tryin to sus out some order for my own subhuman crypto-nerdy life ... and, low and behold, wouldn't ya know that both 'mute all' and 'mute other' DO in, fact, "toggle" their respective "unmute" brethren.
So. soooooOOoOOoOoo.
That being said. Well. .... that, ...
and, "debacle" ...
Why then do we retain the unmute pair anyhow?
Come to think of it, why did we have them in the first place?
Oh. Cause they weren't toggles until recently. Eh?
Oh, okay. huh. But, why then was "mute" [current] given "toggle" functionality to start with. Why was it good enough to recieve such elegance, such simplicity, such utter decorum ... and yet, it's sabbath worhsiping brethren, "unmute all" and "unmute just ya'll over there", did not receive such elevated and pious privelage?
Explain ah to meeeeeiahhhh.
Por favor.
[and yes. i am a shmuck in real life. or, eye-aur-ell, as ya'll call it]