Vivaldi improves Mail Search and Translate, extends Web Panels with extension support
@trit34 Thank you
but Whatsapp only open in it's own separate widow, when open in a tab and added to Web panel, it just shows the main program window and a download button which claims it is not compatible with this browser., changing it to mobile version does nothing, it is only the main web page.Finally managed it by changing from mobile, which does nowt, to desktop, which did nowt, then mobile and suddenly clicking Desktop worked.
(for now)
Ye Gods. what a pain.
Many thanks for the help -
@mib2berlin Found the source of the issue with very high probability.
There's an extension - Tab Wrangler, that closes tabs automatically after some time of inactivity.
It does not close pinned tabs, but since panels are not handled as pinned tabs - they close. It also doesn't register the activity of web panels for some reason which means that even if a panel is being used it will close with all other panels.
I would suggest, if possible, to regard panels as pinned tabs and to check if the activity can be registered.On my end I'll use exceptions in the Extension's settings as a workaround.
Nice, in 6.6 extensions can now work in panels, I guess we will get more reports about those issues.
Will add Tab Wrangler to my list of evil extensions.
I guess I can close to bug report? -
@jon hello.
First thanks for the news and the work.
I'm German and my English isn't that good. But let's try.
I mean in former times, when you were at Opera there was a mail client separated from the browser. They had - in my eyes - a really good idea. Save every email (I think as eml) in a separate file. Make a folder structure to save the emails per date. The benefit was you had not one big emails data base file with let's say exeeding 4GB. I assume this is not the case for Vivaldi mail client, is it? I ask for situations, where you can have one installation under Windows and one installation under Linux. With Opera mail client it was possible to use the same "email data base" (the folder structure) in both versions.thanks in advance, Thomas
You can close, but I'd advocate for making panels handled better by extensions to prevent future issues (ie: treated as pinned tabs, activity being managed).Thanks again for your support
I really like the site permissions now being a list under settings, however I can't remove sites or edit their URL there? I can only reset all at once.
@toohoo Vivaldi saves mail messages as files in a tree structure in the same way as opera did. The only problem is that you can't (yet?) tell Vivaldi where to store the mail.
You can probably get around this by using symbolic links to different drives and/or directories in the OS, but I haven't tried that (although I did create a link to import mail from Opera which was on a different drive).
edited: disregard, all is well thank you @Ayespy
@dz9c92 Disabling extensions frequently does not disable them. They stay active in the background and still have their fingers in the pie. I presume you don't use the Vivaldi mail client?
If not, refresh your profile.
After opening the quick settings in speed dial I can still only close it with the esc key and the close button. I cannot close it by clicking anywhere in speed dial. Please add.
Still no support for Nynorsk in Translate...
I can't download from my nas on the local network anymore over http, tried 2 different laptops both with 6.6 installed. I presume this is a bug, found his in the release notes: "http downloads from https site fail silently (VB-103238)".
Welcome to Vivaldi's ForumYes,
It's Chromium 122 related IIRC
Don't remember if there's a workaround, even the Flags were not working I think.--
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It would be nice to have some settings on the status bar
Try this on the NAS
Adding the NAS IP / URL -
@Zalex108 thanks fo the suggestion, I tried this and didn't make a difference. I already did try to enable vivaldi://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost but didn't make a difference either. Let's hope this gets fixed quikly in chromium then.
@grogge Yeah, right-click on a Website Permissions list entry simply acts like a left-click and invokes no context menu so the expectation of finding 'Delete' in such a menu is confounded.
In desperation I tried these kludges to delete an exception with just one non-standard aspect:
filter by domain to list only target item (or sub-set);
hit 'Reset Filtered Website Permissions'; and
observe that the count against the excepted domain disappears.Move your focus in Settings away then back and the domain is no longer in the refreshed list of exceptions.
Alternatively, select an item from the Global exceptions list then manually select each 'highlighted' permission and amend to default in dropdown list. The count will disappear and you can switch focus away and back to wipe the entry from the global list display.
There may be other ways but this could get really messy if you change a global exception to match what you find yourself doing individually as (for example) 'Block' is not the same as 'Default (Block)' so changing the global default from 'Ask' to block means the domains where you had individually chosen to block are still exceptions on the list - which you may wish to delete rather more simply than performing the above.
Any fix for no autoplay for Youtube?
This new update isn't starting up for me
Freezes upon loading. Older version still works though, curiously enough. Will have to wait for the next patch!
Since this update text selected in the address bar does not get any kind of different color, ie. the selection is not visible. The text still appears to be selected since I can cut/copy/paste it but I don't see what I have selected.