Solved Sessions Panel
There should be something like "session panel"
I'd like to:
- have all sessions listed as expandable tree structure
- have ability to easily add / delete single or multiple items in saved sessions
- drag & drop items between sessions
- rename sessions easily
It's here!
The Sessions Panel is now available in Vivaldi 6.5.
It allows creating, renaming, viewing, editing and deleting your Saved Sessions. We've also added Automatic Session Backup, which makes a backup of all your open Tabs every hour and stores them for up to 30 days.
Would this be the same as my suggestion to make sessions editable leveraging the new window panel infrastructure that I suggested here?
@nemoanonymous Partially...?
I thought that session panel should be separate entity.
I am afraid that incorporating it in Window Panel would result in total chaos... I've got hundreds of tabs everywhere...Maybe admins should decide to merge similar threads?...
But I suppose it would require renaming threads -
This would leap frog Edge's sessions UI I guess.
I kind of like the idea of sessions being taken care of in the tab bar, like Edge does it, or how Vivaldi treats closed tabs. Also Firefox's "Tabs from other devices" button. I think it would be nice and consistent to treat all three scenarios of other tabs in the same manner, in the same general area. The Window panel already breaks away from that however, so I guess consistency has already been broken. Bookmarks panel could be argued to that effect as well.
Sessions are not just bookmarks with a simple URL. They also contain information about zoom level and scroll position, so I think they require a separate panel.
When exporting bookmarks they would lose data if lumped together with bookmarks.
Agreed it's a separate panel, but the idea was to leverage the same infrastructure (code and methodology) in creating the panel. -
While we are at it, I would like to see in Sessions Panel/manager:
Autosave previous sessions show in panel/manager with time & date.
Compare sessions content in tile view mode.
Search tabs title/URL inside all session (like bookmarks).
Merge session command & auto remove duplicate tab from both session.
I too would like to see "sessions" get a little more love from the development team. Some sort of edit and organization scheme would be nifty, as mentioned by others. The idea of a panel item seems a good way.
I think an interface inspired of "session buddy" could be a good idea.
I know I could use the extension, but Vivaldi's session is much more powerful since it remembers the full history of each tab, which makes it much more convenient than what session buddy can do.
I would love it because I would like to select some sites in a saved session to open, for example. Session Manager is a feature I use a lot then would cool to see an improvement
A sessions panel would make it much easier to:
- Rename sessions
- Delete sessions
- Drag and drop tabs to add them to a session
- Remove tabs from a session
- Edit the URL of a tab in a session.
- Drag and drop tabs from one session to another.
This feature would help to classify tabs into sessions more easily. I am using tab groups now, but it does not fulfill my needs.
There was a great Firefox addon to achieve this, until they switched to web extensions, and the addon was lost.
It is like sessions but they are changeable instantly.I suggest one of the following names:
instant sessions, live sessions, session groups.
Could Tabs Outliner kind of functionality be of any help here? It is an otherwise great extension that unfortunately freezes my Vivaldi. What it can do is,
Every opened tab automatically mirrors as a "bookmark", as well.
Dragging, dropping, copying, ordering in tree style with numerous hierarchical levels. I never loose track of what was the idea behind opening certain pages in certain order.
One can decide whether to shut down an active window without removing it from the outline or shutting it and removing it alltogether.
Attaching a note to a bookmark/page address makes a great extra - or works just like in any bookmarks section. Vivaldi could hopefully give these notes more functionality like adding pictures etc.
Backing up is super easy, at least with text only data.
Keeping the TO panel while browsing and moving from one page to another from that panel makes everything so much more organized. Firefox synced tabs or anything I know of cannot compete with this great, but poorly updated extension. I just love the idea I could see its functionality natively in V one day.
Edit 16.8.18: Tabs Outliner extensions now works flawlessly for me in Vivaldi. However, I still would like to see its core features in the browser itself.
@pesala These all are great ideas, but please do not forget to include the list of sessions to the dialog for saving sessions, so one can just click on the particular session in the list, hit enter and DONE!
@sidney108 That is a different feature request, for which I already gave you the link. Please vote for that one as well as this one.
As this is the most requested panel feature, I would suggest to start it with simple steps. Just copy the old opera 12 style session handling, and will see where to evolve later.
How about gahering a 'sessions mafia' to force Vivaldi's developers to improve sessions handling?
Also an useful feature would be to switch between sessions:
Loading a saved one while saving the currently opened tabs to a new session. -
My addition (
I know it can be similar to "V7 Sessions" extension in Opera:
The browser "Min" has a very clean solution for this. This feature called "Tasks". You can easily switch between tab groups with that.