Names for Windows
@knightnet Agreed!
I typically have more than one Workspace open at a time, so I have to look closely at the webpage title or the image preview to recall what's open. This can get confusing, especially with multiple text-based sites or when using the same site for different purposes.
Personally, I'd like to see the taskbar's preview window titled as their Workspace names; but I do think it would be best to provide the option to name the windows manually, similar to how Chrome handles it.
I also understand this is probably not very high on the development teams priority list, but I can hope! lol
I've "never" seen in Windows an ability to rename a program Window, but maybe having Vivaldi rename them as related to [a] Workspace is more easier and possible?
@Totto Any application in Windows can dynamically change its window title - that has always been a feature.
Here is an example from Edge with a general window open along with a workspace window called "TDA" - this is what you see in the taskbar:
@knightnet Sure, but not for me (or you?) to change it, unless you rewrite the source code ...) it's the program-as you say.
I'll give an example:
Suppose if there was a tool-program to change window title from:
"Microsoft Word - My document name here" >>
"I Like Microsoft - - My document name here"
or when you start Excel it' says "I hate maths" instead: See?Your example (window: 'TDA' ) is dynamically named (like last part of my example: "My document name here") by internal workings/code, not possible for an individual to change the former (Progam title: Microsoft Word -"
@Totto It is perfectly possible for any app to expose a feature to change window titles. Developers have been doing it since the early days of Windows. And probably in OS/2 before that.
Lots of apps do this - as does Edge as already mentioned. But it is far from alone.
What I'm saying is that the feature in Edge is incredibly useful and it would be good to have it here in Vivaldi as well.
Edge has this. Intuitive, easy to use, works well.
Right-click to set a name.
See name when alt-tabbing between windows.
I learned something new there ! Thanks for taking the time to demo this @cspotcode
Now we just need some more Votes ...
@miguelmarcos It's very helpful, thank u
It's been 6 years and other browsers have this feature
+1 for adding this feature. Especially for us linux users.
@barbudo2005 thanks I'll check it out
Vivaldi Workspaces still doesn't give windows any type of unique identifier.
For fellow linux i3 users: the best solution I've found is to have each vivaldi window assigned a specific tab (make sure you select that tab on closeout) I'm using the vivaldi://notes feature since each note has it's own unique titlebar/url.
Next, xprop the window and you'll see the titlebar UTF8_STRING is whatever tab the current window is on. Use that for startup scripts. Good luck!
@barbudo2005 said in Names for Windows:
OLD: Windows
NEW: Workspaces
The workspaces feature works for some people. It is worse than useless to me as it is just (effectively) another hierarchy for tabs. I use multiple windows because I need to actually see, either side-by-side or on separate monitors, multiple tabs at the same time. Workspaces does not solve that need.
I am continually frustrated by every application essentially trying to deprecate separate windows. Does no one ever need to look at two things at once anymore?
@heathenskwerl Workspaces are an option for those who want them.
I have two monitors, so I can have a video playing on my secondary monitor while working on my primary monitor, with email, forums, etc.
for example, on screen 1 I have an app in a window and on screen 2 I have 3 Vivaldi windows.
I'm wasting time switching to the right window because I have to see what's on it because Vivaldi still doesn't support naming windows.When will this ever happen?
It's been built into Chrome for years. Why is it taking so long to be integrated into Vivaldi?I don't use Vivaldi for this and other things.
Translated with (free version)
@cayenne There are a lot of feature requests. This one is old and popular, but apparently not easy to implement.
Summary of Feature Requests
Category Threads Android 848 Desktop 3,781 Mail, Calendar, and Feeds 644 Automotive 5 Subtotal 5,278 Community 179 Total 5,457 While you wait, try using the Windows Task Bar.
I certainly won't argue that there are a lot of feature requests, however, the code to implement this already exists in the Vivaldi source code since it's Chromium based.
I know enough C++ to read (aka fumble) through code, but not enough to write anything, otherwise I would give it a go. Hopefully I am on track here and a Vivaldi dev sees this and can check this request off the list easily.
I was using the source for Vivaldi version
for my detective work.See the file
, and search it for--window-name
. That is the Chromium flag to set the window title; I use it all the time from a rofi script to launch Chrome with different profiles and window names.I did a little more poking and found a function in
. That function isVivaldiBrowserWindow::GetTitle()
, which I believe is getting the page title and then appending the string- Vivaldi
and returning the whole string.Just above that is a function
that is referencing a function by the name ofUpdateWindowTitle()
. I believe that is the function that needs to be changed, but that appears quite a few times in the source. I think it's origin is in<vivaldi-source-folder>/chromium/ui/views/bubble/
, but I could be wrong. Regardless of where it is, to mimic Chromium, it would be a simple if/else. Something like:# Pseduo code: if --window-name value != '' window title == --window-name value else window title == page title + " - Vivaldi"
Anyway, I'm just trying to be helpful as I would like this feature too!
Joining the request with an addition: it would be really nice if the window name was the name of the currently selected workspace, instead of the currently selected website.
I have 2-4 windows open at all times, and each workspace has a lot of tabs, because of backlogs, and sometimes other stuff. If I open a forum while slacking off, I would like the window to still be "reading" or "german class" instead of the forum, which may or may not be open in other windows/workspaces as well.
Displaying the workspace name would be a step in the right direction. I imagine that would easier to implement due to the way Vivaldi treats windows. It seems Vivaldi treats windows as quasi-transient containers, so if you named a window "Shopping", then changed the workspace on that window to "Home", you'd likely want the label on the Window to be "Home". But would the tabs you had open before you switched to a workspace still be associated with the "Shopping" label? Then they would be sort of an ad-hoc workspace. I don't know what Vivaldi calls these tab groups.
So I think this can be implemented in two steps:
- When on a workspace, use workspace name for window
- Allow naming of the group of tabs open in a window that are not associated with a workspace.
But the lack of this feature is a major issue. I find I can really only have one or two Vivaldi windows or my productivity plummets, so I end up having to use other browsers for actual browsing and Vivaldi for things that don't change much.