@doctorg said in vivaldi (and chromium) connects to wrong URL (FF does it right):
@michaa7 I tested on siduction and always got the correct redirect. I am sorry, but can not reopruce our issue. I do not know what wrong on your installation. I can not help much as Siduction is not my preferred OS.
Thanks anyway. At least I have now a screenrecorder installed an know how to use it in such cases 😉
May be an other user could help you more.
Maybe ...
The fastest way is to reinstall Vivaldi. Why? In forum we had users with broken installations/updates.
I doubt it as now (see below) the problem seems not direcly caused by my vivaldi settings (different linux user account with fresh vivaldi user settings and/or new profile didn'd avoid the problem.
Ad i would check in a extra Linux user account and in a Vivaldi profile which does not use extensions or settings.
I now discoverd that the problem seems connected to my WM fluxbox. It does not occur when I use the lxqt DE on the very same installation. So this is a little progress in narrowing down the problem.
But as to me it seems nearly impossible to investigate how whatever fluxbox setting may influence a click in a submenue I'd be thankfull to whoever may have an idea ...
Maybe i need to ask in a fluxbox or the siduction forum ...