Cycle through different images (slideshow) for window background image and start page
Hello Vivaldi team !
I'm here today to ask you if there was a possibility to use more then one image to cycle through located on my computer for the start page background and the window background image.
Much like the feature you find on most OS's today where you choose multiple images to set as your background and it will then cycle through them at a determined interval (10 min, 1hr, 1 day, next time I open my computer back up).
Love the browser keep up the good work!
(mod edit: title and merged threads)
How difficult would it be to implement an option to select multiple images (and have them alternate like a slide show - fading?) when choosing your Start Page background? I thought it could be a neat thing to add to "spice up" your Start Page somewhat.
It could be added next to this button or some such:
@savidge The Theme background can use an Animated PNG Image. Create your own with APNG Assembler or a similar program. There are also online APNG Creators.
Try to keep the file size down by not using too many frames, or by tiling small images. Use a large time gap between frames.
These settings would give a delay of 10 minutes. The file size is 223 Kbytes, but the dimensions are smaller than one would need for a full screen image.
These settings give a delay of one minute, but since the textures can be tiled, the images are only 256 pixels. The APNG is 84.2 Kb.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Renault on
In relation to issue with desktop picture not changing in Vivaldi, when it has already changed on my desktop - it would be great, if Vivaldi had a feature of selecting a folder with background images with a specific interval of change (like in Naver Whale and Atom browsers)
Please, add the option to select the folder of images on the hard drive to be used as a background in Vivaldi (with interval of change - each new tab, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 1 day). This feature exists in Naver Whale and Atom browsers
This is achievable with scheduled themes
LLonM moved this topic from Desktop Feature Requests on