Customizable search engines
I hope, the Vivaldi-Team is bringing the possibility, to add custom search engines without sync to the next Vivaldi-android-update!!! In Firefox for android and Samsung Internet, you can do it! Why can you don't do this in Vivaldi-android?
In addition, Vivaldi is cooperating with Neeva. In the U.S., you should therefore already be able to search with Neeva in Vivaldi-android. Now Neeva has also arrived in Europe (Germany, France & Great Britain). Where is the function to search in Europe with Neeva. Why is this only possible in the USA (Vivaldi-android, Vivaldi-desktop already worked before Vivaldi cooperated with Neeva)?
@adzarooni Is there a way to edit this database file without having superuser privilege on Android and without using adb, which I never seemed to need for anything I wanted to do even whilst I had superuser access on my handheld computer because I always found a way to do what I wanted with superuser privilege but without using adb? I can run the SQLite monitor application, sqlite3, in termux on my LG G5, specifically the H831 variant for Canada running the official and unrooted (unsuperusered?) distribution of Android 8 for Fido, but cannot seem to access this database file. I want to add Yandex as my default search engine for both normal and private browsing windows/tabs on both my stationary/portable computer and my mobile computer, more precisely my handheld computer, have already seemingly successfully made the change using the Settings GUI in Vivaldi for Windows on the drive that I currently use in my notebook computer but, like the other users who found this topic, I discovered this remarkably surprising limitation of Vivaldi for Android. Why was adding Vivaldia prioritised higher than adding a search engine editor to the GUI in Vivaldi for Android? I have literally never even tried to run Vivaldia because Vivaldi for me is primarily a tool, not a toy. I guess a simple workaround until this feature is added to Vivaldi for Android is to set Yandex as my home page and set the behaviour for new tabs to open my home page. Does anyone have an idea of a better workaround?
@brolin Unfortunately not that I'm aware of. AFAIK, some sort of privileged access is required until the devs add the necessary UI elements to deal with this.
I agree and expand with the importance of synchronizing custom search engines from the desktop to the Android app. The statistics of the significance of SEs to users demonstrate that SEs are fundamental to their entire Web usage. Meanwhile, Vivaldi attracts users who like customization and power features. As a logical induction, the customized sets of SEs is therefore a prominent motivation (or demotivation) for a user to commit to Vivaldi across platforms, and to remain loyally dedicated as the browser of choice.
Vivaldi needs to pay for its existence, so having a convenient set of pre-programmed SEs from which it is compensated is perfectly fine, and Vivaldi's honorable trait of allowing for customization aligns nicely. Then, the robustly customized set of customized search engines ideally should be synchronized to users' mobiles.
Yes. iOS custom search needed.
Please add this feature.
WTH? -
I wish a more convenient and reliable way to customize search on mobile. I found myself in the situation below and have no idea how to resolve this and why this happened. Search customization would help big time.
I got root and I did the whole sqlite thing. Doesn't seems to work. can edit the Web Data file and some some engine into it and share the file?
Big fan of the IOS beta but if this isn't implemented there it is hard to imagine it will become my daily driver. That the IOS app will add search engines to the selection list as you use them a few times gives me hope it may be implemented, but I am also surprised to learn how long it has not been added to Vivaldi for Android. Firefox for IOS has custom search engines and it is the biggest reason I have been using it over Safari
With the launch of iOS today, without this feature do we know when it might be implemented?
@fzf Timelines are never offered by Vivaldi.
I really want the 'nicknames' functionality for search engines on the iOS version. I tend to use multiple search engines for different use cases, on the browser version of Vivaldi this is so fast and convenient to do using the nicknames, would love to be able to be as productive on my iPhone!
I wish iOS and Desktop versions could be configured with different default search engines
This post is deleted! -
Hello, is this expected to be added to the iOS app soon?
@nicholasrupert No projection has been offered. On the whole, Vivaldi never provides ETAs or says what features will come when.
Dang, I guess I'll stick with a different mobile browser for now then
@nicholasrupert If you customize your browsers on desktop, and sycn with iOS, my understanding is that the browser customization gets synced. I may have understood that wrong, but I think that's what happens.
@nicholasrupert I just checked my search engines on my Android version, and it's the same search engines (including, for instance, dogpile) as on my desktop.