Bookmarks restored from backup are overwritten again by sync
Hi, recently, Vivaldi somehow lost by sync passphrase (on all of my devices) which I didn't notice immediately, and when I re-entered it on all my devices, the changes I made to my bookmarks on one device got overwritten by sync.
Luckly, I found that there's a
in the profile (and I also have a separate backup). I can copy this back to theBookmarks
file - but when I then start Vivaldi, the bookmarks get overwritten by sync with the server version.I can go offline and then start Vivaldi with the restored bookmarks - but when I go online Vivaldi will synchronize again and download first the wrong version of bookmarks.
Is there a way to revert to the backup of my bookmarks file and keep it?
Many thanks for any hint in advance!
Hi, I never had this issue but if I have issues I reset the remote data on the sync server.
In your case, delete the remote data, close Vivaldi and copy your backup bookmark file over.
Then start Vivaldi and connect to sync.
Now the sync server get your data from your device and all other devices are logged out.
It's a bit strange how this could happen for you because it is much harder to delete something than to get old data back you don't want.Cheers, mib
This worked, thanks for the quick help!