Unsolved Vivaldi Mail Marked Read Status
I have the same email address in Vivaldi Mail in 2 different profiles. Messages that I mark read in one profile, don't seem to get marked as read in the other one. Does Vivaldi not communicate with the server to tell it that the message was marked read?
In this case it is yahoo mail via IMAP that I'm using (not OATH because of the OATH bug - not sure if that was fixed or not, but I hesitate to use OATH again incase the bug strikes again and I have to change the settings on all my profiles for all my yahoo mail accounts again)
I have never quite worked out what the reasons are but sometimes things I look at on one machine are marked read on another and sometimes they're not. Same for K9 on my phone.
Issue is reproducible but cause maybe with Yahoo IMAP server. Consider raising a bug report and posting the resulting VB- reference here.
In regards to the Yahoo issue, I found this thread and VB-90608. The bug report was closed, cannot reproduce.
FWIW I don't have a Yahoo! account, so that's not relevant. My main account is Hotmail (i.e. Microsoft) so that's where I notice these discrepancies.
I also have gMail and Vivaldi - but don't get many messages on those.