Youtube responsiveness problem
Hello everyone.
Why does Youtube seem different in Chrome and Vivaldi? Both of them are based on Chromium, but responsiveness of Youtube looks different in each browser. In both pics, window covers whole screen. I think it is a kind of bug and should be fixed
@batu Responsiveness looks different? How do you picture that? I really don't get it. The only thing I see is that you are logged into your youtube account in Vivaldi and in Chrome you are not.
Responsiveness may not be the right word.
If you mean appearance, are you using the same zoom level in both applications? -
@batu Try un-checking "Show Panel Toggle" in vivaldi://settings/panel/ and see if it changes anything...
@pafflick yeah it changed and that was what i meant. Thanks!!
@batu That's because the toggle takes up horizontal space and that's what made the difference on your WXGA screen.
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