Various Wishes / Feature Requests
Please, explain what do you mean. -
@Zalex108 keyboard shortcut posted prematurely.
Any way to customize what appears in the Start Page Navigation? Say you want to hide HIstory for example? It would also be nice to have a right-click to add items to the bar when you don't want a + button always present. -
NAVIGATION - trackpad gestures /keyboard shortcuts to switch between bookmark groups. Slide animation is nice.
BETTER DEFINITION Better clarification between purposes of Home Page and Start Page
Ability to mix Speed Dial and Widgets together on Start Page.
NOTES PANEL - Can we get a Notes panel, which is different from Sticky Notes? This is on the dashboard....Notes panel on the Dashboard.
MIX SPEED DIAL WITH WIDGETS - It would also be nice if there was a way of combining dashboard widgets w/the way Bookmark Group Speed Dial works. This is not the same as having a bookmark widget. Where you might have 12 bookmarks centered across the top of the window (like a bookmark group today) AND widgets below. Widgets and Speed Dial icons together.
TAB CYCLING - Ability to tab left and right through tabs. Both features today seem to not go straight left of straight but, but other methods to determine next tab to show.
• Cycle in Recently Used Order
• Cycle in Tab OrderNeither option seem to go straight through in one direction.
How do you hide the Vivaldi login panel from the Profile Switch menu? -
ICONS - Additional built-in icons (or system to + add icons from other sources) would be appreciated (which is not the same as browse local system to add image.)
W/O the need to install 3rd party extensions, a built-in adblock for YouTube (which wouldn't be 100% unique to just Vivaldi if Vivaldi decided to include) would be super appreciated. If the goal is one browser to rule them all (encourage using one browser vs. many) this would be a needed feature.
- Notes/Email/Calendar
It would be nice to also have notes/email/calendar respond like tabs switching between Workspaces...meaning email for work workspace is different than email displayed for research workspace...notes are different and calendars. This is where the need blends w/ nearly abandoning Workspaces and SpeedDial for Profiles - need the three blended together.
- Notes/Email/Calendar
@pixro said in Feature Requests - Dashboard:
NOTES PANEL - Can we get a Notes panel, which is different from Sticky Notes?
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Fell in love w/browsers (ie. Safari) that offer shortcuts when the search/url field is active. Any way we can get this in Vivaldi?
@pixro said in Feature Requests - Workspaces:
Auto save exists already,
Just select between the options.BTW,
Manual/Automatic backups with preferred software it's also a must to avoid any data loss.On Mac you have the Time Machyas default.
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@Pathduck How do you add notes to the dashboard then?
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@Pathduck Control ^ Up Arrow (on macOS) launches the screens overview. Option Up Arrow (on MacOS) moves the pages location up/down.
Lot of Workspace requests. Below is a personal list that may or may not overlap w/previous requests. These all tie together under Workspace so keeping there here in fresh post.
ICONS - instead of a pulldown menu use that same space for ICONS. Easier and more intuitive to use icons that a pull down to switch spaces. Use right click for workspace options and related functions.
NAVIGATION - trackpad gesture to slide between workspaces would be great, along w/related keyboard shortcuts. Assigning a shortcut to a workspace likely doable but gesture and keyboard shortcut to cycle through workspaces.
AUTOSAVE - is there a setting that supports auto-saving sessions, so workspaces keep their tabs after restart w/o the need to manually save sessions?
KEEP TABS & WORKSPACES TOGETHER - Keep tabs associated w/workspaces. It can be confusing to switch workspaces yet have tabs from a different workspace show.
BUG - if one turns off Workspaces, there appears to be no way to restore the Workspace selection pulldown.
Worth noting that I will likely use profiles, instead of workspaces, because workspaces have too many overlaps between spaces and can get sloppy fast. It is also easier to switch between profiles than workspaces.
@pixro Putting many features in such mega thread — sad. Against rules of creating such request.
I fear such will not get much attention by dev team reading thru a hijacked thread in future.I can not vote for request it, because i do not agree to with all wishes posted in start of thread.
@pixro Please stop spamming the forum with "feature request". Keep discussions in this topic.
Vivaldi already has thousands of feature requests in the Feature Requests category:
Very few of those will ever be implemented.There are clearly defined rules for posting a Feature Request - including searching first.
There is also a UI to find existing feature requests: are all free to wish for what we want, but spamming the forum does not help.