I used an unverified flatpak to install Vivaldi.....
The notes say "This package is maintained by but not yet officially endorsed or supported by Vivaldi Technologies". No idea why Vivaldi technologies don't do that but anyone think I should remove it? It looks and feels ok and has the right version number. I wanted it in the new Mint 22 that just came out.
@Olmy It’s provided by a Vivaldi employee, but yes, not official. In any case, there is no good reason to install a flatpak when you can install the debian package. You will potentially run into issues with the sandboxing and will need further assistance, because you blame the application instead of your permission settings.
@luetage Thanks. I don't think there is a debian package at least not that I can see. Nothing came up for Vivaldi in Mint's software manager until I set the flag to allow unverified flatpaks. I am new to linux so apologies if I am not explaining correctly.
@Olmy Visit https://vivaldi.com/download/ and download the debian package. This is the official and best supported way to install Vivaldi on Linux. Especially if you’re new, you should use what everyone else is using.
@Olmy Only to do once in shell:
wget -c https://vivaldi.com/download/vivaldi-stable_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i vivaldi-stable_amd64.deb
@mib2berlin Would be better to remove the flatpak.
To reduce confusion which Vivaldi is running. -
@DoctorG Thanks - the commands worked ok with one hopefully minor exception. dpkg reported a dependency issue: "vivaldi-stable depends on libu2f-udev; however: Package libu2f-dev is not installed." I checked this page: https://packages.debian.org/sid/libu2f-udev which states the package is not necessary any more and can be safely removed so my guess is that the Vivaldi package contains an out of date dependency. It doesn't seem to affect the app - Vivaldi works fine. I ran "sudo apt update" which confirmed all packages are up to date.
@Olmy The package on Flathub is maintained by Vivaldi employees. It has a handful of bugs that we’d like to take care of before making it official. I expect that it’ll move to official status before the end of the year — it might even become the recommended method for installing Vivaldi on Linux.
@daniel Thanks Daniel, that's good to hear and good luck with it although I assume you are aware the distro manager (Mint) does not recommend using unverified flatpaks due to the security risk and in fact has them disabled by default.