Vivaldi on Linux automatically closes with session end, when other apps don't
Hello there! I'm using openSUSE Leap with KDE Plasma. And by default, if I end the session and then login again, all apps from previous session will be restored. But Vivaldi doesn't! It just closes, and after re-login I have to open it manually again. Why?
P. S. Sorry for my probably bad English.
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@HumanNo1 I can confirm this occurring on openSUSE Tumbleweed, using KDE Plasma 6. Installing Chromium and leaving it, Vivaldi and Firefox open, then logging out and logging back in, only Firefox launched automatically.
Since Chromium also did not automatically relaunch, I suspect this is upstream with Chromium and not an actual bug in Vivaldi, but it's quite possible that this behavior is by design.
In any event, I submitted a report (VB-108269) and referenced this thread.