Sandboxed Tabs/Windows
One of the things that is becoming increasingly annoying is that companies are starting to group your activity together by browser instance w/cookies or other methods.
What happens is Facebook knows all accounts that you use on Facebook in the same browser because it stores cookies on such things, it also knows what Instagram accounts you use.
Therefore if you want to create a separate account that is completely separate you can't.. Immediately FB associates it with you.
This is horrible for privacy and it's happening on X too, and if you have multiple accounts and identities (say for business purposes) you want them COMPLETELY SEPARATED it is becoming more and more difficult to do so.
The solution to this would be completely sandboxed tabs or windows, or workspaces where everything is unique ONLY to that tab or workspace or window.
This would actually be best with Workspaces since you could easily create workspaces for each brand. It doesn't matter if they know all the brand's accounts that are tied together.
The other issue with this type of behavior from them, let's take TikTok for example. You can create as many accounts on TikTok as you want. If they perceive you did something they don't like (regardless of what it is.. These companies DO NOT CARE about FALSE POSITIVES) it will affect ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS, because TikTok associates all accounts on the same device (with a device fingerprint) as being the same person.
So let's say you have a personal account and an ecom store account. Your personal account gets flagged for spam or whatever because they don't like your content or they flag a lamp as corn.. Well now your ecom account will also be restricted and your ability to make content and drive traffic to your site will be affected on all your accounts.
We really need tools to combat this garbage.