Labels and its "Automatic Translation"
Anyone having problems with labels and "automatic translations"
This is an old problem for me but I once created a label Junk when labelling an image. That label exists on the side bar:
It does not exist on the menus:
But it does exist a corresponding Spam label that I didn't create explicitly...
This is in a portuguese windows installation of vivaldi snapshot. On another linux machine, also a snapshot installation and with the same mail account, the Junk show fine in both the sidebar and the menus. But I do have other problems there like duplicated Important and ToDo labels.
ModEdit: Title
@Durtro Elsewhere on the forum I've seen you link to this older thread saying that there are several labeling bugs. I'm trying to figure out a way to reproduce this issue that you see but don't have a good starting point.
If I understand correctly....
- your panel shows a label 'junk' but no label 'spam'. You did create this label at some point
- your menu shows a label 'spam' but no label 'junk'. You never created this label ever.
You said that you created the label 'junk' by "labeling an image". I have no idea what you mean / how you labeled an image. Did you mean to say you labeled an email?
- when you click on the 'junk' label in the panel, does it show emails?
- if so, what label do those emails show in the mail list?
- when you use the menu entry 'spam' to label an email, does it appear in the 'junk' label view in the panel?
- does anything change when you right-click the 'junk' label and choose 'rerun filter for folder'?
- if you set up the same email account in a new profile, do you get the same labels?
- I can't imagine that the language setting portuguese has anything to do with it. Do you?
@WildEnte 'labeling an image' was clearly wrong. I meant labeling an e-mail message.
My most recent topic regarding these problems is: as (VB-110414)
Mail labels misbehave due to localization issues related to default labelsI link several other threads there including this one.
The central part of the problem is that there is no way in vivaldi to manage IMAP labels and that vivaldi basically "lies" about default labels.
Let's think about it in this way. A default label in vivaldi is composed by two values:
- a visual value that shows on the UI (e.g. Later)
- an IMAP flag value that resides in the server (e.g. $label5)
The examples above are real and represent a default label from vivaldi. I think IMAP flags are also case insensitive and that is part of the problem.
Besides the two values mentioned above that are common between default and normal labels, a third value seems to be used. Vivaldi takes into account translations and this is evidenced by my latest topic where I cold not create a label despite not seeing it in vivaldi's UI. The label was "Later" and since the vivaldi instance in question is set to use portuguese I only saw a "Mais tarde" label, meaning a translation of "Later". That meant an error on trying to create a "Later" label because vivaldi said that label already existed. At that point what existed in reality was the IMAP flags $label5 and $Label5 (different e-mail accounts) and a visual representation of those as "Mais tarde" on vivaldi panel and menus. So no "Later" was present anywhere. The fact that I have both a $label5 and a $Label5 on different e-mail servers (a gmail and a corporate domain gmail account) leads to duplicate entries in the menu despite the case insensitive nature of IMAP flags.
So I went ahead on that vivaldi instance and deleted the default label. I could than create a "Later" label that in the server is represented as the IMAP flag $labelvivLater.
From the vivaldi IMAP log on the console:
[DEBUG][2024-10-27T10:47:38.371Z][3][**][] S: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Forwarded $Junk $Label1 $Label3 $Label4 $Label7 $NotJunk $NotPhishing $Phishing $label2 $label5 $labelvivCoupons $labelvivFunny $labelvivImportant $labelvivImportantPessoal $labelvivInBetween $labelvivLater $labelvivToBeDone $labelvivToFollow $labelvivToReply $labelvivTodo $labelvivVBSolved $labelvivVBs $labelvivValuable $labelvivirs $labelvivrevoked teste "\")] Flags permitted.
After doing that I have the "Later" flag on panels but on menus that same value is still "Mais tarde", again a translated value despite being now a non default label. I would guess the 'spam' and 'junk' conundrum is basically the same problem. BTW it is impossible to create a "Mais tarde" label because IMAP flags do not accept spaces. This makes it important to have a visual representation of the IMAP flags on vivaldi's side of things.
My snapshot e-mail got borked recently ( so I deactivated the mail on the snapshot. Will have to reset the profile probably. Anyway I now set the e-mail on vivaldi stable on same machine (manjaro linux). The labels final result after seting up my accounts:
From the screenshots above it is clearly visible the duplication of labels. Also some mix up between default and normal labels is visible between the panel and the menus.
I went ahead and changed vivaldi UI language to portuguese: The result:
Now in the menu there is a "Mais tarde" label that does not exist in the panel. I only changed vivaldi UI language.
At the present I consider these problems unsolvable because of the following:
- there is no management tools for IMAP flags (can't clean up the flags)
- label creation only accepts one parameter so it can't recreate default labels behavior since no visual value is possible (e.g. "Mais tarde" is a default label but impossible to recreate due to the space not allowed in IMAP flags), Furthermore it gets mixed up with normal labels on translations giving an incoherent behavior on the client.
Obviously there are other things impossible to recreate regarding default labels:
- colors (can be done with css mods)
- elevation/promotion (seen in the menus where there is a separator between default and normal labels
I hope the above wall of text suffices to explain the problems I see and to recreate them.
Regarding the questions:
- when you click on the 'junk' label in the panel, does it show emails?
yes. those are test e-mails from work that I labelled as junk and still haven't deleted
- if so, what label do those emails show in the mail list?
I can't be sure in the original instance because I'm not with that client instance now but I can say that the problem exists in this new instance and is again related to language. It shows "Junk" on the mail list and Spam on menus:
- when you use the menu entry 'spam' to label an email, does it appear in the 'junk' label view in the panel?
yes. the labeling itself works correctly
- does anything change when you right-click the 'junk' label and choose 'rerun filter for folder'?
- if you set up the same email account in a new profile, do you get the same labels?
yes as evidenced above. This new e-mail setup was done yesterday and today
- I can't imagine that the language setting portuguese has anything to do with it. Do you?
it sure looks like it on my side, so yes I can imagine it
@Durtro I see in the bug tracker that VB-110414 has been confirmed by @DoctorG already. With the simple steps you provided there
- set vivaldi locale setting to your region other than english (in my case portuguese)
- inspect the default existing labels (one should be "Mais tarde" in portuguese)
- try to create a label "Later" and the client will not allow it
I have now finally understood where the problem lies. There is lots of info spread across lots of threads. I think you should ask the mods to consolidate them into one thread about labels with your bug VB-110414 as the master bug.
You linked to this other thread by @yojimbo274064400 that also contains relevant information. Since devs were already contributing to that thread, I think that thread may be the best one to use as the master thread.