Special no-color (monochrome line art) emoji font for workspace icons and speed dial folders
I very much like the idea of using emoji for icons - there are hundreds of them and they are nice standardized set of common icons that is universally usable.
The problem I have with them is that they're filled with colors, so they don't look nice when used as icons. It would be great if they were displayed using some font that has no colors, that is just monochrome line art of emojis, like this font here: https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Emoji/glyphs
Also, I have many folders in speed dial (they almost don't fit on screen), so to keep their names short I'm using some emojis there, because is much shorter than "music", and I think it is also more readable. So I'd welcome changing font of emojis in speed dial folder names to line-art font, or adding the workspaces' icon picker to them.
Thanks for improving Vivaldi and especially for introducing workspaces.
@oskark You can use an emoji to favicon generator ☛ https://favicon.io/emoji-favicons/. Then edit the icons in an editor to make them monochrome.