Feed icons
This is a small mod that converts feed icons into website icons.Demo
You can learn how to install here.Javascript:
/* * Feed icons * Written by Tam710562 */ (function () { 'use strict'; const gnoh = { createElement: function (tagName, attribute, parent, inner, options) { if (typeof tagName === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } if (typeof options.isPrepend === 'undefined') { options.isPrepend = false; } const el = document.createElement(tagName); if (!!attribute && typeof attribute === 'object') { for (const key in attribute) { if (key === 'text') { el.textContent = attribute[key]; } else if (key === 'html') { el.innerHTML = attribute[key]; } else if (key === 'style' && typeof attribute[key] === 'object') { for (const css in attribute.style) { el.style[css] = attribute.style[css]; } } else if (key === 'events' && typeof attribute[key] === 'object') { for (const event in attribute.events) { if (typeof attribute.events[event] === 'function') { el.addEventListener(event, attribute.events[event]); } } } else if (typeof el[key] !== 'undefined') { el[key] = attribute[key]; } else { if (typeof attribute[key] === 'object') { attribute[key] = JSON.stringify(attribute[key]); } el.setAttribute(key, attribute[key]); } } } if (!!inner) { if (!Array.isArray(inner)) { inner = [inner]; } for (let i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) { if (inner[i].nodeName) { el.append(inner[i]); } else { el.append(this.createElementFromHTML(inner[i])); } } } if (typeof parent === 'string') { parent = document.querySelector(parent); } if (!!parent) { if (options.isPrepend) { parent.prepend(el); } else { parent.append(el); } } return el; }, createElementFromHTML: function (html) { return this.createElement('template', { html: (html || '').trim() }).content; }, timeOut: function (callback, conditon, timeout) { setTimeout(function wait() { let result; if (!conditon) { result = document.getElementById('browser'); } else if (typeof conditon === 'string') { result = document.querySelector(conditon); } else if (typeof conditon === 'function') { result = conditon(); } else { return; } if (result) { callback(result); } else { setTimeout(wait, timeout || 300); } }, timeout || 300); }, observeDOM: function (obj, callback, config) { const obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) { if (config) { callback(mutations, observer); } else { if (mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length) { callback(mutations, observer); } } }); obs.observe(obj, config || { childList: true, subtree: true }); } }; let settings = {}; function addIcon(currentIcon, url) { if (currentIcon) { const imgIcon = gnoh.createElement('img', { width: 16, height: 16, style: { flex: '0 0 auto', alignSelf: 'center', margin: 'auto 6px auto 16px' }, srcset: `chrome://favicon/size/16@1x/${url} 1x,chrome://favicon/size/16@2x/${url} 2x` }); currentIcon.parentNode.replaceChild(imgIcon, currentIcon); } } function getSettings(callback) { vivaldi.prefs.get('vivaldi.rss.settings', function (feedSettings) { settings = feedSettings.reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) { previousValue[currentValue.path] = currentValue; return previousValue; }, {}); callback(); }); } function speedFeedIcons(panelsContainer) { const feeds = Array.from(panelsContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-id^="FEEDS_LABELS_"]:not([data-feed-icon="true"]')); feeds.forEach(function (feed) { feed.dataset.feedIcon = true; try { const path = /FEEDS_LABELS_(.*)/.exec(feed.dataset.id)[1]; if (settings[path]) { const url = new URL(settings[path].url).origin; if (url !== 'null') { addIcon(feed.querySelector('.folder-icon'), url); } } else { getSettings(function () { if (settings[path]) { const url = new URL(settings[path].url).origin; if (url !== 'null') { addIcon(feed.querySelector('.folder-icon'), url); } } }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }); } gnoh.timeOut(function (panelsContainer) { getSettings(function () { gnoh.observeDOM(document, function () { speedFeedIcons(panelsContainer); }); }); }, '#panels-container'); })();
- Create the first version.
- Fix getting the feed's url
@tam710562 I don’t use the feeds panel, but I tested it and it errors out in my case.
in5.2.2623.24 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
, it might not work properly. -
@luetage @yakn99925566
Thanks for your feedback
The feed storage structure has changed since I added my feeds. Too bad I didn't test it.
I have updated the mod hope it will work -
@tam710562 Thanks for the update. Works now. It also adds feed favicons in the mail panel.