Always open panel in mail view
I like to have the mail panel there when I am in mail view, but I do not want to keep it open at all times.
It would be nice to have the possibility to always have the panel there when switching to mail panel (as a setting), and to have the previous panel reopen after leavingvivaldi://mail
This is basically a duplicate of this one, no?
I would also love this (my use case would be to have all the mail in the panel, as per - which is probably also a duplicate)
This is basically a duplicate of this one, no?
Well, would it not be the other round i.e. the other request is a duplicate of this one?
I think it kind of is the same, and it especially has the same underlying motivation, that is: it is cumbersome to work with mails when not having the mail panel. It is somehow essential.
That is not to say that it cannot make sense to also be able to open different panels (calendar, notes) while reading mails, and also that it cannot make sense to close the panel once in a while to have more space for reading.Maybe something like pinning panels to a tab would offer a solution here, but I still believe that the default interface should somehow display the mail panel when showing M3.
Indeed, generalizing panels and mail so they could all either be in tabs or panel would be great. For me, panels basically just mean tiling, i.e. displaying two winds at the same time (something akin to this: ).
I am always confused about what is a duplicate of what - this one is earlier and has more votes, that one has more comments and so possibly more information, I also linked this threa from that one. This is clearly something that bugs a lot of people.
This has been implemented with Today's Snapshot. It's maybe still a bit sluggish at some points, but mostly seems to work.
And I absolutely love that it returns to the previous panel now when leaving vivaldi://mail!
Which bug fix is it, "VB-80186 Show mail button should open mail with all the three columns without the side panel "? CAn'T wait for the nexst stable then!
I do not want this behaviour. I keep the mail panel collapsed so that I can concentrate on viewing my mail in the chosen view, usually the Received mail.
(VB-87334) Mail Panel Opens Automatically on Switching to Mail Tab
@pesala Have you proposed changing it back or changing it to the behaviour of M2?
@jumpsq I reported it as a bug, because it is not the expected behaviour.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open the mail panel
- Select a folder, e.g. received
- Close the mail panel, leaving the panel toolbar in view
- Switch to another tab
- Switch back to the mail tab
Expected behaviour:
5. The mail panel to remain collapsedActual behaviour:
5. The mail panel opens automatically -
It's my own request and I was confused how it worked myself. Though I still see why this would be preferable, I agree that this may not be desirable.
For M2 I believe that it works like this:
- keep mail panel in mail view as long as it's not changed while mail is focused
- return to previous panel on all other tabs
- show current panel if mail panel is not set when switching to M2 tab
@jumpsq That is the expect behaviour, which is the same in Vivaldi when clicking the icons on the panel toolbar, not when switching tabs.
// So do I get you right, the issue is that when closing mail panel while the mail tab is focused, it's opened again when switching outside?
If so, please ignore what's below
For me, the expected behaviour certainly is that the panel is fixed for the mail tab and is not affected if the panel status is changed while any other tab is focused, as long as the panel itself is not closed or changed while the mail tab is focused.
This has not been the case with vivaldi until now.
That is the expect behaviour, which is the same in Vivaldi when clicking the icons on the panel toolbar, not when switching tabs.
I cannot quite grasp this. Switching from the mail tab to any other tab, closing or changing the panel there, has previously also changed the panel for the mail tab.
Well, your discussion made me try the snapshot and I like the changed behaviour.
That being said, I think mail and panels would still need some work, for me moving what is not in the panel to what is now in mail tab would make a lot of sense (especially if the newly combined mail view consisting of the panel and tab could itself all be put into the panel).
Also I noticed that when I unchecked mail from displayed panels and open a mail tab, I get an empty panel displayed, which I guess is a bug.
So my issue is filled as VB-87341. Here is a screenshot of what I mean:
So VB-87341 is fixed in today's snapshot, good, that was quick!
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