CSS Theme Downloader/Manager
Hello guys,
I think in Vivaldi is a special feature missing and it is the CSS Theme Downloader/Manager (I couldn't give a better name. If you have suggestion, write it in the comments).
So what is a CSS Theme Downloader/Manager?
The CSS Theme Downloader/Manager is a Tool, where CSS creator can Upload her CSS files online an offer it to other users for free of course or if all CSS creator are not agreeable, then they have an option to sell his CSS file for a little amount of money or to offer it free. The Tool should also have a search area, to search the Theme, if you know a familiar theme. And one of the important thing to do is, if you open the CSS Theme Downloader/Manager, it should ask you if you want to make a Backup of your "browser.html" file. The Manager should also have suggestions, if you open the Theme Manger and if someone wants not of any suggestion can turn it off by a mark. Furthermore, themes should have a Thumbnail at the search, so that you can see what theme it is or thumbnail. If you click it in, you can see more Thumbnails and a Description. Also, you can give a feedback for the Design + rating but the rating should be also on the small thumbnail. Last but not least, It has a new Icon (profile icon), where you can configure your Themes and your downloaded Themes.
My Concept:
Where Should the CSS files be saved?
The CSS should save in "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\Application\VivaldiVersion\CSS Themes".
Where should the CSS Theme Downloader/Manager be?
At the settings on Themes. If you are in the Themes, it has then a Button right above. It's called "Online Themes".Have a nice day.
@Pliex Nobody can guarantee that a modification to the browser works and continues to work after an update. Your suggested platform for modifications would be a wasteland of unsupported code and complaints.
@luetage Well, it’s rather a problem that they don’t tell us the exact changes so we cannot even potentially easily make a system for notifying of broken styles (just an idea). & there could be something like ‘last version it’s confirmed to work with’…
Also, I think it would be pretty hard to use this way, but I think it doesn’t matter so much now.
@potmeklecbohdan It doesn’t matter anyway. Vivaldi would never introduce this in the first place. They are reluctant to open their own extensions store, this is the same mess times hundred.
@luetage If the CSS code change, why can't the Vivaldi Team change it. They should update the Browser but not the CSS Lines (mean no harm).
@Pliex Even if they kept all selectors consistent, the browser would still be a changing target. Elements are being added, removed and switched around in the DOM. We have plenty experience with it in the modding community—nothing lasts. It would be impossible to manage.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Themes on
Thank you for your request. As this post has had less than 5 votes over 4 years it will now be archived. You can make a new request if you feel it is still needed in the browser.
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