Include Add Separator on Bookmarks Bar Context Menu
My request is simple. This is a copy of the possibility on Firefox. Add a "pipe" to separate the favorites on the bar.
See the capture below.In the hope that it will be implemented. Thank you !
@jbiardeau It is already available.
- Open the Bookmarks Panel
- Right-click on a bookmark to add a separator after it
Ooops so sorry. I had missed this feature.
However, can't we do it directly on the bar (like Firefox) without opening the side panel by adding a link in the context menu ?
Thank you !
@jbiardeau Not currently. It would be useless clutter IMO for something that one does very rarely. The function is available in the Bookmarks Panel and in the Bookmarks Manager.
I regard managing bookmarks as a separate function to simply adding or opening bookmarks. I managed quite happily for at least three years without the context menu on the Bookmarks Bar, but many users thought it was an essential feature, which is why I opened the feature request for Context Menu in Opened Bookmarks Bar Folder
I suggesting editing your first post to change the title to:
Include Add Separator on Bookmarks Bar Context Menu
Thank you for your feedback
I also reported this as a bug a month ago.
(VB-55595) Bookmarks Bar Context Menu Missing "New Separator"
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