More "internal" search engines
I'd like to have more "internal" search engines
- Search in bookmarks
- Search in notes
- Search in open tabs
- Search in remote tabs
- Search in help
- Search in page
- Search in history
- I prefer to search for stuff from address bar using keyword
- I'd like more granular search than Quick Commands offers (I'd like to search only in notes / only in tabs / etc without opening panel)
@ROTFL thanks for posting your request. Searching with Quick Commands already shows results from notes, bookmark and open tabs.
The request is for searching from the URL field, not in Quick Commands. Opera 12.18 has Find in Page and Find in History search options.
@gaelle Yes, but it simultaneously search for keyword everywhere and the results list is sometimes so long that requires scrolling.
If (for example) I know that thing I am looking for is somewhere in notes then I don't want to scroll through matching bookmarks
Some people like it and some not@ghpy I don't need separate shortcut per each search.
Also it's faster to
=>n keyword
than to
open panel => focus search field => enter keyword@Pesala That's exactly what I'm talking about!
This feature was awesome and IMO just ultra convenientI don't know... maybe somebody will invent some more interesting way to implement similar feature?
There is already a request for a Find in Page Search Engine. That's the only one that I might use, hence I haven't voted for this feature request.
This is to consider some browser features like a potential search engines, and then these have to be considered like common search engines with their stuff through all vivaldi interface : this would be more simple concept for user's memory
I mean this calling into address bar, can be also into Quick Command, and may be shown into search engine list into settings. I strongly think that Quick Command and address bar may be only one and same object, one is anchored, the other not like I suggested a long time ago into Merge totally addressfield and quickcommand pop-up/ floating mouse addressfield.
But as I suggested into Prefix Quick Command to Find Tabs, these calling could be made with special keyword format, simply a prefix like a star to mean that we are working onto the browser, not with internet, and the first letters of the subject to search into :
- Search in bookmarks : *b
- Search in notes : *n
- Search in open tabs : *t
- Search in remote tabs : *rt
- Search in help :*hlp
- Search in page : *p
- Search in history: *h
@Gaëlle Quick commands might show all results, but it’s inefficient to navigate with
when you already know exactly what you want to search, what command you want to issue. Nicknames for all search types is the logical next step for quick commands. Setting the priority is no good when you want to do more than just open bookmarks.