Email not working
When I try to link my email It tells me my password isn't correct which it is correct . I try using pop3 and imap both and still get the same thing
@kf4bog please provide more information about how you are set up. Stolen from another thread this is a first step to check
@yojimbo274064400 said in Pop3 mail not received:If you are not seeing the Verified banner when viewing the account under Settings > Mail > Account name > Servers, for example as shown below, what message is shown in place of the banner?
Some servers require to set up app specific passwords. What service are you using, have you followed their instructions?
Example this is, note that you may not yet have enough reputation to use the account email service. See
I used the setup wizard for the setup . I didn't use the manual setus
@kf4bog Which Vivaldi version?
Which Windows version?
Which mail provider?If it is a IMAP account, remove it in Settings → E-mail, restart Vivaldi and re-add in Settings → E-Mail.
Vivaldi 6.9.3447.46 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
Windows 10
gmail -
@kf4bog For GMail account, do you have oAuth activated or was that a app-specific password?
⇒ Google tells us: Transition from less secure apps to OAuth
I used password option
@kf4bog Could be GMail changed something.
I was forced today on my other mail client to use oAuth. -
What do i need to do? -
@kf4bog Open Vivaldi Settings → Mail
Select the GMail account
Select tab Servers
Activate Use oAuth
Confirm Update Account
After 1-2 sec you should get a green Verified box in the Servers setting tab.
Perhaps a window asks once for GMail account password (needed for Google oAuth). -
Will try that and update you here -
That Worked . Will the setting stay synced between computers . or do you have redo it all?
@kf4bog mail settings don't sync. Vote for this feature request -