Vivaldi unresponsive on first open on desktop session
I am using linuxMint/ Cinnamon, always latest stable.
I've mentioned the following some time ago. It's steadily becoming a PITA as it has established itself as morning ritual:
- Start the PC and the Cinnamon Desktop launches.
- Start Vivaldi
- Vivaldi launches partially off screen
- At this point it is unresponsive to the keyboard and mouse clicks, including F5 refresh
- The Vilvaldi window can be moved around the desktop screen
- occasionally I have been able to minimize and restore, after which the Vivaldi window becomes responsive.
Clicking the "Close" menu item on the Vivladi's panel icon's context menu has no effect.
the only way forward I have found is to open a terminal and type killall vivaldi-bin and start again after which Vivaldi usually works.
nb: where do we report bug issues here?
Hi, there is an official bug tracker, just open help pages with F1 or from the menu and search for "bug tracker" or something.
We have many Mint user in the forum but I am not aware one report the same.
As Chrome extensions often harm Vivaldi open from a terminal with:
vivaldi --disable-extensions
My next choice would be:
vivaldi --disable-gpu
Cheers, mib