New to the Forum? Start here! 😃
@Capoo, welcome and enjoy Vivaldi with good feelings
In the forum you'll find always a helping hand when questions and problems arise
@Capoo Welcome in our Vivaldi Community
Some useful links for you:
- Help on Vivaldi Mail (mail client for use with calendars, feeds, mails)
- Help on Vivaldi Calendar (the part of Vivaldi Mail client)
- User Reputation to use Vivaldi mail account
Do not hesitate to ask, we are a community to help users.
Enjoy browsing with Vivaldi.
Hi. I'm having a decent start with Vivaldi so far. Hope it'll be worth sticking with for a long time. I'll appreciate getting any ounce of help on the forum should I need it.
@casualbyte, welcome and for sure you get more than only ounces of help if you need it.
Enjoy Vivaldi -
Привет! открыл для себя браузер vivladi. Это что то невероятное! Хочу участвовать в жизнь браузера. Помогите пожалуйста создать электронную почту именно
@olegb88, welcome and enjoy Vivaldi, but please usa inglés in the general forum or use the Russian subforum.
To use the Mail service, you need first a certain reputation (to avoid spamming), this you can obtain using sync service, or participating in the Forum or Vivaldi socialдобро пожаловать и наслаждайтесь Вивальди, но, пожалуйста, используйте английский на общем форуме или используйте русский подфорум.
Чтобы использовать службу Почты, вам сначала нужна определенная репутация (во избежание спама), которую вы можете получить с помощью службы синхронизации или участия в Форуме или социальной сети Vivaldi -
I'm not really new. I was @RiveDroite, but decided I wanted to use a profile with my real name.
@mathieulefrancois, I`m not sure if it is a good choice to use the real full name in a public social network. But you'll have your reasons to do so.
@Catweazle I would usually agree with you, but we'll see how it works out!
i googled best browser. i was sick of chrome as it steers you based on business. i was sick of firefox since it just is not super compliant or customizable.vivaldi is not without issues but it has become my primary.
I'm new to Vivaldi. I'm German, 75 years old, but live in Budapest since a few months now.
I was sick of Chrome and tested a lot of Chromium based browsers. I liked CentBrowser, but after I tried Vivaldi, I love it. The best feature for me is the Workspace feature. -
@VUsr, welcome to the community. And yes, Vivaldi is way different from any other Chromium browser. Don't hesitate to ask if you have doubts, issues or problems with it, or simply have a good time in the Forum and in Vivaldi Social, if you want.
Enjoy -
@VUsr welcome aboard! It's a great browser and community here!
@pafflick Hello everyone, i´ve got an recommendation, from my Prof. at my apprenticeship, for the Vivaldi Browser. I´m from Germany, so pls excuse if my english is not so good.
@Boroeber, welcome, it's enough when we understand you. You can also use the German subforum. And yes, Vivaldi is a great browser for students, because of a lot of features which are very usefull for your workflow.
Enjoy -
@Boroeber Welcome in our Vivaldi Community
Some useful links for you:
- Help on Vivaldi Mail (mail client for use with calendars, feeds, mails)
- Help on Vivaldi Calendar (the part of Vivaldi Mail client)
- User Reputation to use Vivaldi mail account
Do not hesitate to ask, we are a community to help users.
Enjoy browsing with Vivaldi.
PS: Die Links sind zwar auf Englisch, aber Vivaldi Webseitenübersetzer kann dir auch helfen. Odr du fragst mich oder andere im deutschen Unterforum.
This post is deleted! -
Hello everyone. I hope to be part of this community. See you later
Welcome in our Vivaldi Community
Some useful links for you:
- Help on Vivaldi Mail (mail client for use with calendars, feeds, mails)
- Help on Vivaldi Calendar (the part of Vivaldi Mail client)
- User Reputation to use Vivaldi mail account
Do not hesitate to ask, we are a community to help users.
Enjoy browsing with Vivaldi.
@gandui Welcome aboard! It's a great community!