Reduce number of UI steps in managing workspaces
Death by a thousand digital paper cuts
Many people are hyper-focused (rightly so) on removing unnecessary UI interactions, mouse moves, and button clicks, as every extra required user interaction (especially in repetitive processes) creates a drag on efficient use of a tool. They are real, and they are a real time/mental-energy killer. I've seen them absolutely kill user enjoyment of a product to the point of creating a migration away from said tools.
Please strongly consider removing unnecessary mouse clicks and/or allow for quicker paths for managing workspaces.
Current State
Currently, if one wants to delete an "ephemeral" workspace (or one that is treated by temporary) you do the following steps.
- Move mouse to workspaces tab fly out
- Click the workspace fly out
- Move mouse to workspace that one wants to remove
- Right-click (context click) on the desired workspace name
- Select delete workspace
- Move mouse across the window to the confirmation dialogue
- Click delete to confirm.
This is way too many steps and becomes cumbersome when desiring to create and trash a lot of workspaces.
Ideal State
There's a few things that could help make this much smoother, especially when managing a large volume of workspaces or treating them ephemerally (as I and many do.) This could be simplified to something like the following:
- Hover over workspace to expand the list
- Click on a trash icon on the specific workspace in the list
- Hit enter to confirm (or, make the confirmation pop up where the click in #2 happened, or have a setting in the Vivaldi settings to bypass confirmation)
For me it will be better to add a workspace cycler, like tab cycler.
@Truemotion Off-topic here, but this feature already exists in the latest Snapshot. No doubt, it will be included in Vivaldi 6.8 when it released.
Workspaces can also be deleted from the Windows Panel, using the delete key. IMO, a confirmation dialog is essential before deleting a workspace.
@Pesala Sadly I don't like panels, because I am a keyboard user. To use those panels you need to press additional keys, highly annoying.
@Truemotion This topic seems to be about reducing mouse use.
Keyboard users have a distinct advantage. In my case:
- Ctrl+7 to focus the Window Panel
- Page Down, or Cursor keys to focus the Unwanted Workspace
- Delete
- Tab to focus the OK button
- Enter to delete the workspace.
For mouse users, Shift+Scrollwheel on the Workspaces button to switch workspaces, but the problem of several clicks and mouse movements to delete the workspace remains.
Ah, I see, it got better now, wasn't looking at panels for ages.