Command Chain Recipes
@shifte That opens the "Added Bookmark" dialog. I mean the "Edit Bookmark dialog that you get via the "Edit" entry in a bookmarks context menu.
@shifte Ha, that’s indeed useful.
For direct install
{"category":"CATEGORY_COMMAND_CHAIN","chain":[{"key":"844219eb-ed35-4b17-a9f4-7789466c233c","label":"Create Bookmark","name":"COMMAND_ADD_BOOKMARK"},{"defaultValue":1000,"key":"2eb81004-6703-46db-9933-6afcfde924e4","label":"Delay","name":"COMMAND_CHAINED_SLEEP","param":200},{"key":"844219eb-ed35-4b17-a9f4-7789466c233c","label":"Create Bookmark","name":"COMMAND_ADD_BOOKMARK"}],"key":"266064c0-3901-4ce8-b3aa-8bd96bb89ff3","label":"Create Bookmark Open Dropdown","name":"COMMAND_266064c0-3901-4ce8-b3aa-8bd96bb89ff3"}
@arnad That can’t be automated with command chains.
I need to take the link from the news and open a site to remove the paywall, can I do this via chain?
The site to remove the paywall is:
@Mioni the easier way would be to wait a bit for the snapshot version to hit stable. In there, when you use a chain command in a context menu you have access to special variables, like {page_url} (your use case).
With that, a chain with 1 step of 'open link in new tab' with value as '{page_url}' would do the trick.
Then, customize the menu for when you right click a link (for example) and add it there.
finally, on a news site, right click on the article's link you wanna read and pick the chain.
@MasterLeo29 Thanks! I'll be waiting
Embed Youtube: takes the current video and opens it embed.
- Open Link in Current Tab
Parameter:javascript:(()=>{const url=new URL(window.location.href);`${url.origin}/embed/${"=")[1]}`,"_self")})();
{"category":"CATEGORY_COMMAND_CHAIN","chain":[{"defaultValue":"","key":"0b01337b-4c13-4197-90c8-179c5c91cfff","label":"Open Link in Current Tab","name":"COMMAND_OPEN_LINK_CURRENT","param":"javascript:(()=>{const url=new URL(window.location.href);`${url.origin}/embed/${\"=\")[1]}`,\"_self\")})();"}],"key":"9bfc5d43-2fbc-4aa2-a1af-9935cca9e07f","label":"Embed Youtube","name":"COMMAND_9bfc5d43-2fbc-4aa2-a1af-9935cca9e07f"}
- Open Link in Current Tab
Hello. Please advise if it is possible to create a chain of commands for:
- Search selected text in Google in background tab?
- Save a picture to a certain folder or open a picture in the background tab?
In order to hang these chains on mouse gestures.
Earlier I used to use "smartUP gestures" extension for this purpose (it's cramped like many other similar extensions), but I switched to gorgeous native mouse gestures.
I couldn't find it at random. Thank you in advance.
heres something you guys might appreciate
1.Vivadi help link in new tab Parameter:
3.Tile Verticallyand if you want you can Remap F1 to execute the command Chain and replace the help link with the command in the context menu
@mikeyb2001 See ☛ It’s already linked from the first post.
@luetage woops didnt remember sharing that already
@luetage here i am thinking im being helpful and im either skipping steps or repeating myself wth is wrong with me
@mikeyb2001 Getting old?
@Pesala 33 thank you very much. Not that old
Tile Link (with keyboard shortcut)
We can do this from the right-click menu with a native parameter (
). When using a keyboard shortcut to trigger the chain, a bookmarklet is needed. Hover with the mouse cursor over a link and use a keyboard shortcut to execute (or open quick commands and execute the command chain from there). The delay might have to be adjusted depending on usage. 1000msshould be safe, but on some pages it might need more.
- Open Link in Current Tab
Parameter:javascript:(()=>{const hover=document.querySelectorAll(":hover");for(let i=hover.length-1;i>=0;i-=1){if(hover[i].hasAttribute("href")){[i].href,"_blank");return}}history.replaceState({},"",location.href)})();
- Delay
- Tile to Grid
{"category":"CATEGORY_COMMAND_CHAIN","chain":[{"defaultValue":"","key":"0b01337b-4c13-4197-90c8-179c5c91cfff","label":"Open Link in Current Tab","name":"COMMAND_OPEN_LINK_CURRENT","param":"javascript:(()=>{const hover=document.querySelectorAll(\":hover\");for(let i=hover.length-1;i>=0;i-=1){if(hover[i].hasAttribute(\"href\")){[i].href,\"_blank\");return}}history.replaceState({},\"\",location.href)})();"},{"defaultValue":1000,"key":"2eb81004-6703-46db-9933-6afcfde924e4","label":"Delay","name":"COMMAND_CHAINED_SLEEP","param":1000},{"key":"83c2d2d0-a53b-4521-82b5-4c2e61ed024b","label":"Tile to Grid","name":"COMMAND_TAB_STACK_TILE_GRID"}],"key":"7bf717f6-b441-4a48-8094-ab3dd683a7a5","label":"Tile Link","name":"COMMAND_7bf717f6-b441-4a48-8094-ab3dd683a7a5"}
- Open Link in Current Tab
Is it possible to send keys in a Command Chain?
Like this in AHK (or a number):
Send, {LButton}
I remind you of this question.
@barbudo2005 lol, sorry. No, I can’t think of a way right now. You can simulate key and mouse events through Javascript and you can obviously give that a try, it’s not complicated, but I think it’s deemed insecure and therefore won’t work from a bookmarklet.
Share Current Page with OS Share Menu
This command chain makes it easier to share a link with additional details (when supported). It will pull the current tab's URL, title, and
( a short description of the webpage's contents that page owners can choose to provide) and pass them to the OS' share dialog that can redirect you to various apps and websites where you might want to share the link.Command Chain:
- Open Link in Current Tab
- Open Link in Current Tab
Notice for Linux users, who would want to give this command chain a try:
doesn’t work on Chromium yet, therefore it won’t do anything.