We’ve rolled out Two-Factor Authentication for Vivaldi accounts and a new reputation system for Vivaldi Webmail access.
@luetage: I enabled it. Toggled it off. Added accounts, deleted them and redid it. Tried a different PC and did all the steps. Never got the mail client to appear. Just the option to add the mail account settings. Actually revamped my signon for my mail because that level of non-functionality, felt like malware for getting logins. As I said, not willing to try anything else, but I did try the obvious. Mail client would NOT show.
@jphogannet Had you exited and started Vivaldi again?
And Vivaldi Mail client does appear only on first started Vivaldi window, a restriction. -
Is the Panel bar on the side of your browser window visible or have you hidden it? Mail, Calendar and Feeds Panel buttons will appear there once you enable the feature during the initial browser setup or later in the Settings. Mail and Calendar notification icons will also appear on the Status Bar.You can revisit the setup flow anytime from the main Vivaldi menu > Help > Vivaldi Welcome Tour.
And yes, as @DoctorG said, the mail client is only accessible from one window. So, if you have multiple windows open, check the Panel in other windows to see which one has Mail and Feeds in addition to Calendar and Tasks Panels.
OK, so I understand why I couldn't Log into my vavaldi email, yet this is a great battle for our vavaldi forum, respect your wise Action, Cheers!
А как построить репутацию для доступа к почте? Сколько надо постов написать и какие критерии активности?
@AmericaAuto you possibly wrote (i translated):
And how to build a reputation for accessing mail? How many posts do you need to write and what activity criteria?
We do not tell users how many are needed. We do not want possible spammers get quickly a mail account.
You, as a regular Vivaldi user need upvotes of your posts, use of Vivaldi Sync, post at Vivaldi Social.
Thank you!
why i still cant send email?
@AlfredYong Vivaldi Webmail access is now linked to a reputation system
You have less reputation, use Vivaldi Sync, post in Vivaldi Social, wait until some users liek your posts. -
I'm very happy with this article and the overall state of things, but can you please point me to some direction, where I can see use case scenarios for different types of (mostly hardware) security keys for the multiple factor authentication. I mean exact products, videos, dependencies, such things, so I can chose wisely, how to enhance my account security without locking myself out in the long run, with a poor, later unsupported choice.
Good beans! 2FA is a must these days.
@ElijahBeGood said in We’ve rolled out Two-Factor Authentication for Vivaldi accounts and a new reputation system for Vivaldi Webmail access.:
2FA is a must these days.
Depends on how important such Vivaldi account really is
@DoctorG well when one becomes reputable enough for a Vivaldi Mail account, I'd say more than just important!
//EDIT: clearer post now, i hope.
Yes, ok, if you need the account and have it not for fun, that would be no good at all when it got stolen.
With 2FA it is less easy to hijack a account, so that is more safety for owner of a account. -
You know I was quite bothered at first by this. Especially because I have been an active Vivaldi user for years now, but unfortunately was locked out of my old account! But now after reading this article I have to say I actually appreciate this and am glad you guys take these extra steps! Just goes to show everybody why you guys are the best ! Thanks Vivaldi Team
I haven’t used PC haven’t used Vivaldi for a long time, and now it looks great.
I'm back.
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I have just switched on vivaldi for my company.
I would like to use the webmail feature to be my pro mail adress but where I should post to earn it ? I'm not sure to understand the conditions. -