No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.
It is exactly for stances like these that I am a Vivladi user and will likely remain so going into the future. Thanks you for your efforts.
In Viv We Trust!
Also WordPress will block Google FloC just like DuckDuckGo and Brave:
@guigirl Same in Windows:
Directory of C:\Users\loren\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Floc\1.0.5
03/18/2021 12:48 PM <DIR> .
03/18/2021 12:48 PM <DIR> ..
03/18/2021 12:48 PM 66 manifest.fingerprint
03/18/2021 09:23 AM 122 manifest.json
03/18/2021 09:23 AM 182,872 SortingLshClusters
03/18/2021 12:48 PM <DIR> _metadata
3 File(s) 183,060 bytesSortingLshClusters is rather opaque...
!! ` ! !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!` !!a`` !! ` !!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ` !!!!!! ! ! !! !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!! ` !!!! !! !!!! !! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!""""!!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!""!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!""!!!!""!!!!""!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!! ! !!a!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a!! !!!!!a !!! !!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!! ! !!!!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!! !!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!""!!!!"!!""""!!!!!!!!""""!!!!""!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!""!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!! !"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!""""!!!!"!!""""!!!!""! ``` !!` ` _ !!__ !` !!` _ _` __ !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ` !``` aa``` ` ____` !!__ ` ` !!` ` ___` __ _ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !! ! !!! !! !!! ^ !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!! !!! "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! ! !!! !""""!!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"aa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!""""!!!!"!!!!"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!""""!!!!"!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!"!!""!!!!""!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!` !! !!! _ !
(Lots more of that...)
Mine is over 5 times as big as yours, and 12 days older... Does it grow with time?
Looks like it was modified before it was created, and hasn't been changed since:
Hard to guess what it might mean...
Checked my Arch - has the Floc dir, but it is empty.
drwx------ 2 loren loren 4096 Oct 10 2020 FlocStill on Viv 3.6.2165.40, I need to update... But it is working fine.
Gurgel developers and employees must take FLoC alone to spy on themselves, if they have such an urge to spy on people! :-p
@guigirl said in No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.:
I loved this:
We believe in a future where the web can provide people with privacy, transparency and control while also supporting responsible business models to create a vibrant, open and diverse ecosystem. Like Google, we support solutions that give users clear consent, and do not bypass consumer choice
Hahaha, onya microsoft, you've still got your legendary comedic touch!
Haha I was about to say the same thing! Newspeak at its finest! I find it somewhat amusing that they dare even say this, given that Goggle and Microshaft are possibly the very worst offenders of all time regarding dark patterns, no meaningful consent, and bypassing consumer choice (although arguably Amazon and Facecrook are also pretty bad in this regard).
@guigirl My work computer (Linux Mint Debian Edition) has the same files with exact same filesizes present. The date is slightly different but probably just relates to whenever I updated V. The _metadata/ dir contains a single json file that's 1.8k in length. All last accessed April 11th. I suspect the Floc processing files get created ready to be used, but if the code's disabled, they never get updated. Otherwise we'd surely not see exactly the same file lengths on two different systems with different usage patterns.
Haven't checked my personal (Gentoo and Devuan) boxes yet. I might see if I can find a Losedows computer to look at, to see if that has a Floc dir too.
How about supporting FLoC API but always using hardcoded FLoC group "69" or "31337"? That way servers wouldn't block Vivaldi for missing FLoC support but in worst case all Vivaldi users were considered a single identity.
FLoC API provides no way for the 3rd party servers to know if the FLoC group id is real or not.
Another nice option would be to use seconds since UNIX epoch as the FLoC id. All Vivaldi users would use one global id which is changed every second. Good luck trying to recover any data out of that from the 3rd party server log.
@Catweazle said in No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.:
"I think that in general the ads are overvalued, "
Don't let the advertisers hear that!!!
Where else will the ad agency's be able to make a living??? -
@GearDoc47 ,with a decent job, perhaps?
Ah, the alternative truth we have heard recently in the USA........ -
@mtrantalainen I think the main use case for faking FloC is to prevent fingerprinting. ( We need to blend in with the flock)
I don’t think websites will be able to block you for having FloC disabled, Trust Tokens, yes, but not FloC.
Changing every second is a bad idea, too fingerprint able.
One cohort for all Vivaldi users could work, but there are only 2 M V users.
The best answers are probably having a random cohort that changes each session, or the empty cohort. The empty cohort is for those whose cohorts would convey sensitive info.
@jane-n Could you be more specific on what will be disabled? Wouldn’t disabling the FloC API make V users too fingerprintable? Wouldn’t disabling Trust Tokens be a very bad idea?
It is a no FLoCin way from me also
This post is quoted in The Register
Also "WordPress core contributor proposes treating Google FLoC as a security vulnerability" -
@code3 Another option would be to take the approach of addons like "blender" (if it still exists), or Firefox's privacy.resistfingerprinting. From what I remember, using either the addon or the option results in you appearing to be running the latest version of the browser on a 64-bit x86 Windows 10 computer, using US English system locale, with only default fonts installed, etc.
Therefore, just set the Floc cohort to be the most common, widely-populated value. Update the value each week to what the biggest single cohort in your region (or simply the world) is that week. Blend in with the masses.
Even taking this approach, I'd still appreciate the option (maybe even default option) to simply not participate in the Floc scam at all. That way you're not just refusing to participate, you're standing-up and being counted, sending the message that you're refusing to participate.
@jamesbeardmore said in No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.:
addons like "blender"
Does it still exist? I saw an addon that had a blender icon and advertised the same thing, blending in, and right now I am using an addon by the same author that hides the font list from websites, similarly to Tor browser.
@jamesbeardmore said in No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.:
Therefore, just set the Floc cohort to be the most common, widely-populated value. Update the value each week to what the biggest single cohort in your region (or simply the world) is that week. Blend in with the masses.
I think that would be the empty cohort, because it combines multiple cohorts like wheelchair cohort, hospital cohort, victim cohort, together to hide them.
@jamesbeardmore said in No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed.:
Even taking this approach, I'd still appreciate the option (maybe even default option) to simply not participate in the Floc scam at all. That way you're not just refusing to participate, you're standing-up and being counted, sending the message that you're refusing to participate.
Should certaintly an option, but not the default until V has a large enough userbase to use its own UA.
Edit: The best solution would probably be combining both solutions: at startup, select one of the top 100 cohorts to spoof.
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