Open New Tab Within Tab Stack
Re: Open new tab in current stack (2017-11-23)
Re: Open new tab in tab stack (2016-04-11)Bringing up the old issue again since I find it very annoying. Existing behavior is counter-intuitive.
I type Ctrl+T and can't find the new tab where I expect it to be.In the linked topic I finally discovered that the "New Tab" entry in the tab context menu (in the Window Panel) actually does the trick. It's inconsistent - how I was supposed to discover that, if it looks like the same command? So before now I was cloning current tab instead.
Initially I was looking for some way to configure this behavior in the Tabs settings page. There is even a checkbox called "Open Tabs in Current Tab Stack", but it doesn't affect the new tab behavior. For me, Ctrl+T to respect this setting will be much preferred behavior. I don't mind it to be another checkbox too, but devs probably want to keep their number low.
After discovery of the tab-specific "New Tab" command, I think this can also be addressed in a different way. Make New Tab and New Stack (or New Top-level Tab, whatever best describes it) as distinguishable full-featured commands, so I can use what I needed at the moment from F2 panel or configure hotkeys for them.
Either of these two will make my experience with Vivaldi better.
@killy-mxi Thread moved to the correct forum.
My opinion is that this would work best if New Tab from the tab-stack context menu opened a new tab in the current tab-stack (as it does in the Window Panel), and if Ctrl+T and the New Tab Button continued to do what they are configured to do, i.e. Open new tab After Related Tab, After Active Tab, or As Last Tab.
Too many options can make it harder for new users to find the right setting, and harder for other users to support them. It is not that hard to add another check-box, but then the text needs translating into many languages, the help file needs to explain it, etc. It is more work than it seems to be at first sight, so is best avoided if possible, which I think it is in this case.
@pesala thank you. I'm new to this forum, so I just made the topic in the same category where previous two were.
OK. If we rule out the first option, I still hope something can be done about the second one. I'd love to have a quicker option than reaching to tab context menu.
Make two commands distinguishable from each other. Keep existing hotkeys as is but let me assign a hotkey for "new tab in the same stack" if I need it.I'm not using Tab Bar ever since Window Panel was introduced. I find it very limiting to be used with tab stacks, and it can't be helped without more drastic changes or complete rework even.
Thanks for the diagnosis of where this does work, only in the window panel! I agree, the current behaviour is weird and frustrating. I created a workaround using AutoHotKey, with this code to set Ctrl-T as a shortcut (having first deactivated Vivaldi's own Ctrl-T shortcut).
It works by sending a right click to pull up the context menu, and then selecting the first item in that menu, and then triggering enter. Beware, though, that this only works if you have the window panel open, and on the left side of the screen. It is only in the window panel (not the main webpage panel) that the context menu offers New Tab, so the right-click has to be sent to the x,y pixel position 200, 400, which would normally be in the window panel if it's open.
;Make new tab in Vivaldi open within current tab stack (only works with context menu by right mouse click, within the Vivaldi window panel)
#IfWinActive Vivaldi
SendInput {Click R, 200, 400}
SendInput {Down}
SendInput {Enter}
return -
I would also love to have this option.
Like Killy.MXI suggested it could be a checkbox or even a separate keyboard shortcut. It really breaks the flow that a ctrl+t opens a new tab outside the stack I'm in.
Like PaulHeggarty, I've also come up with a little autohotkey script that can simulate this behavior. It doesn't care whether the window panel is open. What it does is:
• alt+c to clone the tab (clones open in the same stack)
• ctrl+tab to switch to the new tab
• alt+home to go to "the new tab page".I experimented with different delays, and this particular delay of 50 milliseconds happened to work for me. If the number is too small, it won't switch to the new tab in time to change it to "the new tab page", so you might have to raise the delay a bit.
Here is the code:
#IfWinActive ahk_exe vivaldi.exe
Send {Alt Down}c{LAlt Up}
Send {LControl Down}{Tab}{LControl Up}
sleep, 50
Send {LAlt Down}{Home}{LAlt Up}
return -
With the introduction of two-layer tab bar I hope this issue gets more spot light.
I suspect (or I hope at least) more users got a usable tool to organize their tabs and will experience the same pain (it was mostly for the Window panel users before).
And getting this straight will finally have a high priority for the devs. -
Came here to ask this question, I'm glad it's been brought up before. I'm very excited by two-level tab stacks, and hope that this feature can be considered. It seems even weirder now that the tab doesn't open in the current stack.
I've also disabled drag-and-drop tab stacking, and without that, for every new tab, it seems that I have to do a "CTRL-T", and then re-create the tab stack?
All-in-all, this was my favorite way to manage tabs in Firefox before they scrapped the old API and broke the TabGroups extension, so I've been very happy to see it make a comeback!
Latest snapshot fixed this for me:
Finally! -
It looks like the 3.7 release included this. I'm so happy this was able to be addressed! Thanks everyone!
It doesn't work for me unfortunately. With the option new tab after current, if I have a tab inside a tab stack visible, and I press the + button to add a tab, its added AFTER the tab stack rather than inside, even if I don't have the most right tab selected in the tab stack.
Right-clicking the tab stack and choose New Tab does open it inside the tab stack, but I want to always have the tab open inside the stack I am working so I can have different stacks for different workflows. Now I click new tab, forgot its not in a stack, have to drag it in, and its just a mess....
I do use the new accordeon mode. In 2 row mode, the second plus works as expected.
It's the other way around for me. When I hit Ctrl + T (new tab), I want it to create a new tab on the end of the list regardless of which stack it's in. "As Last Tab" would seem like the option for that but it still opens a new tab within a stack if I'm in one. How would I change this behavior?
Ppafflick moved this topic from Automotive Feature Requests on
Yeah, it would be nice if new tab would respect the focused tab stack also with accordion tabs