Solved Mail Spam how it works
I use Vivaldi Mail with Yahoo Mail.. I assume IMAP
things often end up in spam, even when i wrote them
my question is .. is this entirely yahoo's fault?
or can vivaldi also decide something is spam on its own? (if so, how to disable that)
the idea that anything I would write should end up in my own spam folder is asinine, but I assume that is Yahoo doing that.. but just wanted to make sure vivaldi didn't also have some control over what is spam, because even when I wrote a new clean message to the same recipient, asking if they have received my previous message that was marked as spam.. it got marked as spam...
the problem of spam was solved in gmail long ago, i don't know why yahoo is so terrible at it.
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@dalinar If you mark something as Not Spam in the Vivaldi Mail client, it will move the message from Spam to Inbox, at least in the Vivaldi Mail client.
What you can also do is highlight the account name in the mail client (when adding a new account, it displays the e-mail address, unless the user changes it), right-click that, select Advanced, then Re sync account with server.
Once this process is completed, log into Yahoo Mail through the web site and compare the contents of the folders between the Vivaldi Mail client and Yahoo Mail on the web. Based on a test I just did, once the account is sync'd with the server, the contents of the folders should be the same in both.
@dalinar Vivaldi does not have its own spam filtering logic. All automatic spam detection is done server side. Only when you actively mark an email as spam does Vivaldi set that flag, which tells the server to treat it as spam and (if it is set up this way) learn from the action of yours.
AAyespy moved this topic from Vivaldi for Windows on
@dalinar What you are describing, is occurring on Yahoo's side.
The Vivaldi Mail client does not have a spam filter, a user would need to manually mark messages as Spam, in which the Vivaldi Mail client will move them into the account's Spam folder.
Per this page, it does not say either way when marking spam using third-party clients, will also train their spam filters.
Ddalinar has marked this topic as solved on
ok, maybe you can help me understand though.
so it occurs on yahoo side, i log into yahoo though in the browser and the sent message is not in the spam folder there.
it only shows up in a spam folder, in the spam folder in vivaldi.
so at this point in time, is it actually in a spam folder in the cloud or just vivaldi's spam folder?
what happens then when I choose "not spam" on the message in vivaldi? does it just move it locally out of the spam folder? or will it change anything on the server as well?
can I assume if the mesage i wrote and sent in vivaldi (connected to yahoo) appears in yahoo web mail in the browser, but not in any spam folder there, but does appear in a spam folder in vivaldi... that the message has actually been sent to the end user?
@dalinar If you mark something as Not Spam in the Vivaldi Mail client, it will move the message from Spam to Inbox, at least in the Vivaldi Mail client.
What you can also do is highlight the account name in the mail client (when adding a new account, it displays the e-mail address, unless the user changes it), right-click that, select Advanced, then Re sync account with server.
Once this process is completed, log into Yahoo Mail through the web site and compare the contents of the folders between the Vivaldi Mail client and Yahoo Mail on the web. Based on a test I just did, once the account is sync'd with the server, the contents of the folders should be the same in both.
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