Vivaldi lite
I get why people like to customize a browser with all the bells and whistles, but can you folks make a lite version for people just not into all of that.
if we make a mistake it takes weeks to figure out what was done wrong and by that time you figure it you're ready to go back to google, brave or oprahJust something on the go where it doesn't take weeks figure out the mile long right click menu
Hi, this request came up several times over the Years and got always a "Will Not Do" tag from the Vivaldi team and very low user votes.
This was the last one:, mib
Vivaldi Lite is Vivaldi without any modification to the settings.
@erinquinn, youself can set Vivaldi to a light version, it's precisely what Vivaldi make different from others, you can convert it in a browser simple as an old IE o make it complex like a dashbord of an F15 and all in between.
I decided I just don't have time for all of this
I'm shutting down vivaldi and opening up brave.Brave isn't as pretty, but it's uncomplicated and gets the job done.
Thanks for your help here anyway.
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