Solved Workspaces empty after running CCleaner
Ran CCleaner. Now my workspaces showed 0 tabs. So I deleted my workspaces thinking I could restore a session and get them back. CCleaner was not suppose to remove the sessions but I don't see any backed up sessions. I had 36 workspaces and 600 tabs. Is there a backup or a restore that I can run to get these back? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
@oriondon said in Workspaces empty after running CCleaner:
Where can I find an older version of my sessions to restore them?
Check this
Look first for the Sessions Folder, then for the Snapshots, if exists.
@oriondon CCleaner's default settings for Vivaldi are way too aggressive.
This is what I have:
There is no way to restore these files, they are lost.
Even if you have saved sessions in Vivaldi or set it to automatically make session backups, CC will just nuke the whole Sessions folder and everything with it. -
@oriondon, don't use CCleaner. Cleanup apps are not really needed in Windows, the own Storage sensor does a good work. If you want a cleanup app, use bleachbit, its way more respectfull with the data and apart it's FOSS.
@oriondon CCleaner was known in the past for deleting too much.
Fro which purposes do you use it?
Well Vivaldi was running slow and I wanted to do everything possible to speed it up, just not delete my workspaces and sessions. The Sessions were not checked in CCleaner but internet history was. Where can I find an older version of my sessions to restore them?
@Pathduck These are the options that CCleaner natively had checked and I ran. As you can see Session was not checked so I don't know why they are not available.
@oriondon said in Workspaces empty after running CCleaner:
Well Vivaldi was running slow and I wanted to do everything possible to speed it up
There's very little use in CCleaner in speeding up a browser. It helps clean up some disk space (cache etc) and possibly for "privacy" reasons (cookies, history etc). If anything, clearing cache will make the browser slower as it has to fetch things over the network again.
Where can I find an older version of my sessions to restore them?
There are none.
These are the options that CCleaner natively had checked and I ran. As you can see Session was not checked so I don't know why they are not available.
Well then I don't have an explanation.
Your Workspaces are tied to the files in the Sessions folder in your browser profile. But I think CCleaner might have a more "liberal" view of what constitutes "Sessions".Or maybe it's just a bug in CCleaner?
Maybe take it up with CCleaner support? -
As said before, in Windows isn't needed an disk cleaner, indows it slf has a good and 100% safe cleaning funcion, which can be programmed to clean automaticly every x time all the junk files,clearing cache's and other data., also possible to execute it manually, without the risk to delete important data.
Setting >System >Storage
Just to pile on: CCleaner is a relic of the past, a necessity when running Windows XP but completely superflous now.
@Pathduck I'm sure CCleaner doesn't know where Vivaldi stores Session information.
Would a CCleaner forum be better suited to undo the damage done by CCleaner?
@Ayespy said in Workspaces empty after running CCleaner:
I'm sure CCleaner doesn't know where Vivaldi stores Session information.
Doesn't really matter if it "knows" if it just nukes the content of the Sessions folder. Now, user said CC was not set to clean the Sessions, so I don't know, possibly a bug in CC but it's never happened to me
I do notice in the log that the CC "Sessions" setting also cleans folders like:
Session Storage
Extension State
Which could explain things, since Vivaldi is an "Extension" itself. But again, I have it unset and it's never caused problems for me.@WildEnte I fully agree
This post is deleted! -
@oriondon said in Workspaces empty after running CCleaner:
Where can I find an older version of my sessions to restore them?
Check this
Look first for the Sessions Folder, then for the Snapshots, if exists.
Review in Techjury
@Zalex108 So I began looking around and happen to see a Snapshots folder. As I suspected when I opened it there was a Sessions Folder in there. It was from the previous version of the software from a few days ago so I decided to try and copy it over to the new Default folder. It worked. Now let me qualify that. All the workspaces were restored. They did have the tabs as well. The only issue is that the names of the workspaces only displayed as "Restored Workspace". So I have to go into each workspace and figure out what the topic was and rename the folder. I have 36 workspaces and it might take a while to do that. I started using Vivaldi in March/April. Since that time I have lost my workspaces three times. This never happened when I used Chrome and Workoma. I'm pretty sure I'm going to migrate back to that model as I don't want to experience this again. If Vivaldi puts the sessions up in the cloud as in the user's onedrive or icloud etc., that would lead to less of a burden in these situations. But unless I get lazy and stay I'm pretty sure I'm going back to Chrome and Workoma. This has just been to painful and time consuming to experience, so often and I'm just to busy for all this especially as a tech person. I can't imagine how a regular user would react to all this.
Ooriondon has marked this topic as solved on
Ooriondon has marked this topic as solved on
Good, despite the extra work.
I don't know what happened,
Either cCleaner or something else at the same time.Since bugs and mistakes happens, what has to be done using any valuable data is to back it up by oneself.
Either Vivaldi, Chrome or any other where you has spent time configuring / working.
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