Solved Vivaldi crashes at startup when using wayland
vivaldi --ozone-platform=wayland --disable-gpu
seems to be working fine.BTW, forgot to mention: version of nvidia driver I have: nvidia 550.100
@mk0rvin Looks Vivaldi dislikes GPU driver.
What happens if you start as
vivaldi --ignore-gpu-blocklist
vivaldi --ozone-platform=wayland --ignore-gpu-blocklist
gives the same result as in initial bug report
@mk0rvin Sad.
For a check with Chromium 126, does it start or crash?
Just to see if it is a Vivaldi or Chromium core issue. -
I believe I fixed it with disabling integrated gpu in BIOS. In the end it's partially my fault, but error messages were really confusing
@mk0rvin Ah, disabling of internal GPU helped.
FineI would never expected that a enabled internal GPU and having external GPU card could crash Vivaldi.
But i do have only NVidia active on my Linux PC workstation. -
@mk0rvin Please mark as the solution.
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@DoctorG Unfortunately, it says, that I can't edit the post after 3600 seconds. BTW, thank you for your help!
@mk0rvin Try again, you have now Reputation level 2 an that should work to edit a post.
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@mk0rvin Nice, editing worked for you.