Analyzing ~/.config/vivaldi/Default/History for insights into your own browsing history
Is there documentation about the field relationships in the ~/.config/vivaldi/Default/History SQLite file? I could guess or look at the source code but I am not a software engineer and if it is clearly documented then it might also explain what the fields are instead of guessing based on name.
I'd like look at my own browsing history using tools that are more sophisticated than the History panel in Vivaldi proper.
I copy .config/vivaldi/Default/History out to a new file so as not to interfere with the browser continuing to write to it and open it using Datasette (see and which is a data browsing and analysis tool written in Python with a large number of plugins.
But my question applies regardless of what SQLite-capable tool you use.
Related to this, I notice that a number of the tables in the History file are empty. I've been using VIvaldi for about month and am not sure if they are there for future functionality, functionality that I've simply not used, or are deprecated from past use. Just curious about that one.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I know this is not Linux-specific but could not find another more-appropriate forum and thought this would be the most receptive and responsive audience for this query.
P.P.S Right now I want to find out what URL I clicked out of to get to another URL that I can search for in the History. Kinda like looking at the referrer in a HTTP server log but for the client. I'd like to be able to follow my wanderings through those associations. -
There is no documentation for the file. It is not intended to be stable and its format may change over time.
I recommend you explore your History database file using DB Browser for SQLite. Open a copy of the file to avoid corrupting it, and click on the Browse Data tab to have a look around.