Sync ON-DEMAND functions
I love sync, but... One of its most useful aspect is being able to FORCE getting some piece of information, notably NOTES, onto other devices. That's the good news, but it rarely works WHEN I need it to sync, or even learn how and when it will or did sync.
Unfortunately, the advantages to sync are largely lost, since much of the time, I need to make this happen NOW. That means, I must be able to DEMAND that sync happens on my immediate request. I also need NOTICE of when I can expect it to sync, or report of when it synced.
Here are some ways to accomplish this:
-- At least on the SYNC page of options, provide a SYNC NOW button, that says "Sync now to 'SERVER'", and define that server refers only to VV's servers.
-- After it syncs, report that fact. But then ALSO provide a report of WHEN each device last synced with the server:--- CURRENT TIME: 1:02 PM
--- >> PC - LAST device synced - PC -- Today, at 1:00 PM .. - Next SCHEDULED sync -- 1:05 PM--->> PHONE -- synced -- Today, 12:59 PM .. - Next SCHEDULED sync -- 10:04 PM
In this case, obviously, if there was something you intended to send to your phone, it has not yet arrived as of 1:02, and will not occur, until the next PHONE's sync time, 1:04. You can either wait, or force the phone to GET the info from VV's servers NOW, (if you are holding the phone at this time). .
This format allows me to know the state, and how to remedy it if I need to. Guessing when each device will sync, and no way to force it as needed, destroys half the value. What I did yesterday, or maybe earlier today, will likely be synced. But take NOTES. If I am at my PC, ready to go out, I need that new note to be added the the NOTE on my phone--NOW!!
It would also be good to show this status on the bottom of the screen, next to the the <Break> button.
Oh, THANKS for adding the " + " new tab, near the trash can icon.
@DaaBoss You can force sync from and to server from desktop by visiting
and clicking “trigger get updates.” -
Thanks, that does take care of half the problem --- initiating a sync. To use it, we would need to add an easy way that is rather foolproof, so I can explain this method to others, or they won't find the button.I still think that a status report for all the other devices would be required for a workable on-demand system. Keep in mind that two devices would likely need to be forced, and in the order of the originating and destination devices.
@DaaBoss I wrote a command chain for it, but a custom page action has to be installed into the page actions folder for this to work ☛
Thanks -- That should cover the PC with a bit more work. We still need two other elements: An API to show all the devices' sync state. Then also, a means of calling these on an Android device.