Help - Vivaldi crashes on start!!
Vivaldi on Mac for many years always worked perfectly. But since yesterday, it always crashes after starting Vivaldi without apparent reasons!
I have tried replacing the key configuration files in the Default folder, but it does not help!
Then I've restarted my Mac, it doe$not help.
I am really desperate, my whole life depends on it!
MacBook Pro Intel 2019
macOS Sonoma -
@PeterPanino I don’t know what key configuration files are, but try instead renaming the default folder (e.g. Default.backup) and then starting up Vivaldi. This will create a new Default profile and start Vivaldi fresh. If this works, some other part of your original profile might be broken outside of “key configuration files.”
I have done that. But then I lose my whole data from my sites.
@PeterPanino If you can’t do without that data and sync is not enough, you need to find out which folder/file breaks it. Make a copy of the backup you made to keep your data safe. Remove the new default folder and copy the original one in, rename it to Default. Delete the top half of the folders, try to start. If it works you know the error is in the bottom half. Close Vivaldi, delete the whole default folder and move a copy of the backup default folder in, rename, delete the quarter you expect to be broken, rinse and repeat. At one point you will know which folder/file breaks Vivaldi, then you delete just that and leave the rest untouched. Depending on whether you get lucky, this shouldn't take more than half an hour overall.
Personally I would trash the whole thing, who knows what else might be broken in your profile and what other problems you might get down the line. May I ask how old the profile is?
I have noticed that when opening specific totally normal web pages (never had problems with them) makes Vivaldi crash! Why?
@PeterPanino I can’t guess. It could be your last session file is corrupted. Starting without last session should fix it then.
@luetage Even when I start with a new session and try to open this page, Vivaldi crashes:
There are also a few other specific URLs: When I try to open them Vivaldi crashes!
Never had any problem with these URLs! -
@PeterPanino If you can’t reproduce these crashes from a fresh profile, you are on your own. You never told me how old your profile is. You also don’t seem to have attempted to find the section of your profile data giving you trouble. The community can’t fix your issues, we can only try to reproduce them. So far there is nothing to reproduce.
Why don't you READ WHAT I WROTE?
I wrote: Even when I start from a new profile/session, Vivaldi crashes with some URLs, e.g.:
@PeterPanino I’m sorry, but you wrote
@PeterPanino said in Help - Vivaldi crashes on start!!:
Even when I start with a new session and try to open this page, Vivaldi crashes:
session ≠ profile
Then you have a different issue. You can report crashes to the tracker, follow guidelines here ☛
too, you might get some hints. -
Could this also be caused by an erroneous setting in my FIREWALL?
All this mess seems to have started after I upgraded to macOS Sonoma (14.5).
@luetage said in Help - Vivaldi crashes on start!!:
Check vivaldi://gpu too, you might get some hints.
What does vivaldi://gpu do?