Possible bug: CAPSLOCK typing
Fresh Vivaldi Profile ( I deleted my old profile and started it over last night)
Fastmail IMAP
When composing an email, I went and copied and pasted the invoice number that I needed from an app called KATE, which is a KDE / TDE text editor into Vivaldi's email compose window.
All of a sudden, VIV started TYPING EVERYTHING IN CAPS EVEN THOUGH MY CAPS LOCK WASN'T ON. I even made sure and hit the caps lock button 3 or 4 times and made sure the light was off, and my text was still in CAPS.
Also, I couldn't click on the TO: line to add the email address of who I was sending the email to. I had to close the compose window, and then re-start my email. I was then able to click the TO: line and add the email address. The only option I was offered was BCC:
@CWM030 Try it again but this time use the command “paste as plain text.” Worth a shot.
@luetage said in Possible bug: CAPSLOCK typing:
@CWM030 Try it again but this time use the command “paste as plain text.” Worth a shot.
Ah yes - it could have been a small-caps typeface... not actually capital letters.