[Window Panel] Colorize Tab Stacks and their child tabs
This is basically a split from (and further enhancement of) my other request called [Window Panel] When stacked by host(+s) provide the domain icon, taking in account the generic request Color a Single Tab but targeted to the Window Panel explicitly.
It should take the color of the parent domain's icon automatically / or some color from the webpage itself / or be defined separately, depending on the work willing/needed to be invested, and would (conceptually) look like this:
- Expanded: (2 variations)
- Collapsed (the 1st variant):
(I pinged a mod to move the discussion/mod proposition of the other thread here)thx for merging. -
If you inspect the Windows Panel you will realize that @nafumofu statement is correct.
The Windows Panel follows a totally different coding than the Tab Bar.
What you can do is to color the active page with the color of the favicon, using the following code that I modified from one posted by a user:
/* WINDOWS PANEL*/ .vivaldi-tree { font-size: 15px;} .vivaldi-tree .title.active{ color: var(--colorAccentBgDarker); font-size: 18px;} #window-panel .vivaldi-tree .title.active::before { content: ">";} #window-panel .vivaldi-tree .title.active:after {content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; width: -webkit-fill-available; height: 16px; font-size: 16px; border: 2px var(--colorAccentBgDarker) solid; mix-blend-mode: overlay;}
You have to use the setting "Accent from Page" to be automatic.
yeah thanks @barbudo2005 but it's not what I would like in my P.S., the tab stack should be colored, along with the full tabs within.
for example, like this:
And to give you more ideas (variations of it)
It is absolutely clear that you are a very imaginative person.
Use this code for the most used domains:
.tree-item:has(img[srcset*="imdb"]) {border: 1px #f5c518 solid !important;} .tree-item:has(img[srcset*="blogspot"]) {border: 1px #fe6602 solid !important;} .tree-item:has(img[srcset*="youtube"]) {border: 1px #ff0000 solid !important;}
@barbudo2005 And you are a crazy fast code monkey
Barbudo I appreciate and admire your effort, but -no offense- this doesn't look that good
, the hard lines give a rough appearance, it doesn't cover the tab stacks, and it doesn't make sense editing the same .css file and adding domain sites to it, I'd say let's wait for someone from the Vivaldi team to properly design it like in my screenshots
Also, first things first, let's get the domain icon for the tab stack first
.tree-item:has(img[srcset*="imdb"]) {background-color: rgba(245,197,24,0.2);} .tree-item:has(img[srcset*="blogspot"]) {background-color: rgba(254,102,2,0.2);} .tree-item:has(img[srcset*="youtube"]) {background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);}
@npro said
let's wait for someone from the Vivaldi team to properly design it like in my screenshots
In this specific case:
@barbudo2005 I see you are improving it, well done!
But still a lot to be desired
The problem is that the "tab stack" is not the parent of the tabs below, but rather it is one more item and is at the same hierarchical level as the tabs.
The only thing that differentiates the "tab stack" is that it has a composite "data-id" and the tabs have a simple one (110803284 and 110803285).
@barbudo2005 this is not the Forum's Developer Section but just the Feature Request one
Anything is possible in engineering, there's no problem, "parent" just means "the first". It's a way to describe the feature request to the people reading this to understand it, not to start a technical discussion.
So to put it simply, the request towards Vivaldi is to take the color from the icon (or from where they find it more appropriate) of the first tab of a stack and colorize the section. By writing and adapting new code of course.
Sorry, it's the damned engineer's malformation of looking for an explanation for everything.
It seems to me that the Window Panel is a kind of graphical representation of what is happening in the Tab Bar.
This is corroborated by the fact that the same functions do not exist in the Window Panel as in the Tab Bar and also that no progress has been made in TST.
Finally, my only interest has been to take care of your health, in such a way that you do not enter into despair at the interminable lengthening of the wait.
@barbudo2005 said in [Window Panel] Colorize Tab Stacks and their child tabs:
Finally, my only interest has been to take care of your health, in such a way that you do not enter into despair at the interminable lengthening of the wait.
thank you very much barbudo for caring about me
, but don't worry, for the last months I have been using 90%
and 10% Vivaldi, only lately I 've gone to 70% Floorp and 30% Vivaldi because I'm waiting for a rebase of it on the normal Firefox release schedule in a few months. I enjoy every aspect of tab management withFloorp
(which includes tab coloring), and my recent "batch" of [Window Panel] requests https://forum.vivaldi.net/post/756038 is only an idea I had about leaving a kind of last "testament" in this forum before going back to Floorp, nothing more. I've long lost my faith of seeing the [Window Panel] and tab management being improved in Vivaldi and at least all of those 8 would need to be implemented for that percentage to start going to the other direction again. Mind also the recent "landmine" of the Chromium UI that can explode once the flag about temporarily unexpiring the M124 flags (chrome://flags/#customize-chrome-side-panel) vanishes in 2 months, and other reasons.
The strategy you are following with yourself reminds me of a traditional story about an old master who was forced to travel to distant lands and leave his beloved cat in the care of some relatives.
One fine day, the cat fell off the roof and killed herself, but since no one dared to give the old man such news, a wise counselor recommended presenting the facts gradually, so that the debtor could assimilate the tragic outcome without suffering a seizure.
The cat climbed on the roof was the first telegram sent to him. After a prudent time, A second telegram was sent: The cat slipped off the roof.
The third telegram announced that the cat had fractured a rib; the fourth, that it was delicate; the fifth, that it was very serious, the sixth, that the cat was in agonizing, and the seventh, after many months of burial, was a laconic: the cat died. -
@barbudo2005 I don't want to go further off-topic in a Feature Request thread, I hope you understand.