Address Bar | Background Image
(Question) Is it possible to stick an image behind the address bar?-- or to "frame" an image around it?
Hello hello, apologies if this is formatted weirdly-- or if I come off as clueless. I'm a first time poster and..- actually am Very Clueless.
Anyhow, I want to essentially add a "frame" around the search bar-- I'm assuming this would be done by sticking an image larger than the bar itself behind it?
I think I get the general idea of how it should be done- but CSS positioning and layering are unfamiliar to me, so my attempts haven't been all that fruitful....
The closest thing I could find to what I want (thus far) was >this code/mod<I could likely figure the rest out if I just..- knew what I'm supposed to be fiddling with...... Any and all tips/pointers are appreciated.
ModEdit: Title