Youtube | Block Ads with Native Ad Blocker
Alright, I added uBlock and Privacy Badger, and they're working like a charm. I had to reload a youTube tab, but even that only needed to happen once. So thank you so so much to all those of you in this forum who are more techie than I am, and who steered me in the right direction!
Keep in the back of your mind that using another blocker extension might sometimes break uBO. In case that happens temporarily disable PB to see if the breakage is caused by PB.
Also keep a bit of an eye on the YouTube Detection, Ads & Breakages (2024 / 02 / 18) uBO solutions and related discussions ONLY (Mega Thread) on Reddit.
If you use uBO it is not necessary to use Privacy Badger and it is rather harmful.
@barbudo2005: I am using both, and so far, so good. What issues should I watch out for w. Privacy Badger?
Read this (from official Reddit's uBO):
@barbudo2005: okay, so what is the advantage to using the two of them? If uBlock will work better on its own, then I should use it on its own? Does that make sense?
Use only uBO. Period.
@barbudo2005: it's that bad? I mean a lot of people in this forum seem pleased with it.
@CStallone the native blocker is not bad but is essential. Ublock origin, on the other hand, has more than 10 years of development and may have additional patterns of blocking so may succeed where other blocker fails.
@CStallone, the Vivaldi blocker is very good (depending of the filterlists you use), but YT is a special case, it is in acurrent war against adblockers, and uBO is in this fight with a continuos development gorehill vs YT.
But this fight end for uBO when you find in the Chrome Store only a decaffeinate version of uBO, gutted by Google.
Because of this I prefer to use Violentmonkey with userscripts, which are independent from Google and the Chrome Store, or watch YT vids embedded, with this they are also without ads.
Currently I see only ads in the YT main page, but these don't bother me. -
@clifffraser see this thread:
@Hadden89, @Catweazle: right, I get what you're saying, and I've been using Vivaldi for a number of years with no complaints about anything, including the ad blocker. But being that YouTube makes short work of its blocker, it's not doing me much good, regardless of how good it is in normal situations. So now I'm using uBlock original (made sure to go get the right one), and Privacy Badger.
I've only been using them for a few days, but so far, they seem to be doing everything Vivaldi's ad blocker was doing, plus keeping YouTube out of my business. So I'm disinclined to make any changes at this time, though @barbudo2005 seems convinced that Privacy Badger is going to end up causing me drama eventually. And re Violentmonkey, I'll keep that in mind for if YouTube becomes an issue again. But in the meanwhile, what about Privacy Badger? Do I need to get rid of it? I mean I still have it for now, but I can lose it at any time.
@Hadden89 said in Youtube | Block Ads with Native Ad Blocker:
the native blocker is not bad but is essential. Ublock origin, on the other hand, has more than 10 years of development and may have additional patterns of blocking so may succeed where other blocker fails.
Well said. This should be pinned and everyone should be forced to read it and acknowledge they have understood it before proceeding
@barbudo2005 said in Youtube | Block Ads with Native Ad Blocker:
And in the very near future it will be our ......
This is the thing that concerns me (even setting aside things like my agreement with the person who said that having to download an adblocker for a browser with one built-in is stupid). I switched to Vivaldi after Chrome made one too many changes that pissed me off, and the reason I chose Vivaldi was because it had a built-in adblocker, and I didn't want to lose having YouTube ads blocked when Google imposed Manifest v3 on everyone. Well, now Vivaldi's adblocker is useless on YouTube, and Google-forced interface changes are even affecting it (see the Chromium context menu debacle). Between these things, it's safe to say that the reasons I switched to Vivaldi no longer apply, so I'm investigating what I probably should have done in the first place: switching to Firefox.
I had hoped that Vivaldi would be a good way to escape Google's enshitification without ditching Chromium completely, but I guess not.
There is exciting news about YouTube's attempts to disrupt ad blockers:
...Youtube generates one billion dollars in revenue worldwide...
This article is in German, but can be translated into your language with the Vivaldi translator.
@Catweazle Yes, the world is going to end nobly.
Not directly related to Youtube nor to V AdBlocker but with uBlock.
If someone interested. -
The plot thickens; I went to use one of the affiliate links for the first time since I installed uBlock Origin, and had to click through three different warnings about advertising domains blocked by UBO. I had long assumed that those were just otherwise normal bookmarks that sent a ping to the company in question whenever someone clicked on them, but I guess not. I think we have our answer as to why the built-in blocker is so much less effective than extensions - Vivaldi's income in literally dependent of it not being totally effective.