Solved iOS: Dark/Night Mode for websites
Happy to finally see Vivaldi for iOS, but I really wish we could enable dark mode for website content. It’s one of the main reasons why Firefox has been my main iOS browser for a long time. The Night Mode function works very well there and it’s enabled 99.9% of the time. The setting can easily be enabled or disabled with two clicks in Firefox.
There may be a request for this already, but I couldn’t find it.
With today's release of Vivaldi 6.6 for iOS you can force the Dark Mode on all websites!
This is the biggest dealbreaker for me. No dark mode, no deal.
I can use Dark Reader in Orion on IOS, so there’s precedent. I have hope there’s some sort of extension support in vivaldi’s future.
it's been requested for over 2 years to no avail so don't hold your breath
That's unfortunate and will keep me from switching to Vivaldi on all platforms.
I am very much hoping for a night mode. It is winter in the northern hemisphere and way up north in Scandinavia the sun is down by 1530. Night mode is a huge feature in Firefox in this context, to display all white or bright colors in black or deep gray with a two-touch action on iOS.
Can’t do the switch to Vivaldi without being able to count on the browser when going low-light before naps or night sleep.
Check at
for Dark -
Could not find anything related to ”dark” on iOS.
Then you'll need to wait
With today's release of Vivaldi 6.6 for iOS you can force the Dark Mode on all websites!
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