Guide | Panels | Edit / Bckp / Reset
An explanation to manage Panels in 5.6and some of its settings "in bulk".
You'll need to:
- Back up your Profile | Extra Steps
- Back up your Profile Preferences
- JSONEdit
Profile location recap
Go to
Open Vivaldimenu button Vivaldi menu > Help > About
Make a note of the directory listed under Profile Path
Open a system window (File Explorer)
Go to the User Data folder (or customised name)Once you’ve located the correct folder, go back to Vivaldi:
Ctrl + Shift + Supr
| Mark just Cache & Clean- Close the browser
Back to the File Explorer
Back up the whole User Data folder
6.7 | BCKP / Reset Panels
There was a change on the Panels causing a Vivaldi error at LaunchIt will need to Reset / Delete the Panels and add them either manually or restoring a working back up.
Open Preferences file
Go to Panels Paths:
Root | Vivaldi | Panels
+Root | Vivaldi | Toolbars | Panels
Root | Vivaldi | Panels
Root | Vivaldi | Toolbars | Panel
Both branches has to be Backed up or Removed depending on the needings.
Previous 6.7 | BCKP Panels
Older V Versions previous to 6.7Open Preferences file
Go to Panels Path:
Root | Vivaldi | Panels | Web
Web Panels Location
Specific Panels URL
Locate each target Panel to edit by its URL
Make your modifications.
As an example,
Reset Zoom for all PanelsZoom + Edition
At the Zoom Attribute edit the value to Default [1] from the side.
Save settings
Test in a Clean Profile
Copy/Paste the working Preferences file there
Keep V closed during the modificationsOnce the Modifications are aproved, add them to the working profile
Always Back up the working file[s] before edit
Vivaldi Backup | Reset + Extra Steps
- Back up your Profile | Extra Steps
12.07.2024 | Guide update:
- [New] 6.7 Panels