Command Chain Recipes
@kyu3a oh wait. it works until 2. it doesn't copy. saving works
@kyu3a can you send me the command chain export command? i just installed the mod. maybe that works
@Andrecon Quick commands are currently not exportable. If you cannot copy to the clipboard with the capture function, then there may be a problem with the capture function.
I am currently using the latest beta version of Vivaldi. I can copy to the clipboard with the capture function. So maybe this quick command will work after you update.
And please try to make a quick command with just the “3” of the above quick command. If you run that one, you should be able to post the title and URL of the page you have open now.
@kyu3a by export i mean: you dont have that import-export-command-chains.js mod? Cuz that is what i was trying to say. Export it using this. I tried installing something manually and it didn't work. When i imported using the mod, it worked how it should work
{"category":"CATEGORY_COMMAND_CHAIN","chain":[{"key":"2c2057eb-ec79-4d9e-a8de-5bbb0c2a6249","label":"Capture Area to Clipboard","name":"COMMAND_CAPTURE_AREA_TO_CLIPBOARD"},{"defaultValue":1000,"key":"2eb81004-6703-46db-9933-6afcfde924e4","label":"Delay","name":"COMMAND_CHAINED_SLEEP","param":8000},{"defaultValue":"","key":"0b01337b-4c13-4197-90c8-179c5c91cfff","label":"Open Link in Current Tab","name":"COMMAND_OPEN_LINK_CURRENT","param":"\"\"+encodeURI(document.title)+\"&url=\"+location.href);"},{"defaultValue":1000,"key":"2eb81004-6703-46db-9933-6afcfde924e4","label":"Delay","name":"COMMAND_CHAINED_SLEEP","param":8000},{"key":"aa12b05a-94cf-4660-8272-37da19294192","label":"Paste","name":"COMMAND_CLIPBOARD_PASTE"}],"key":"d8f27a23-c5b7-40df-9d59-f70b211ca70b","label":"Capture and Toot","name":"COMMAND_d8f27a23-c5b7-40df-9d59-f70b211ca70b"}
But there is no reason to believe that importing a chain works better than writing it yourself. All chains have been written by someone. If anything, you could have typed it out yourself, exported, and then imported it.