Increase size of back button history of a tab after Vivaldi restart
I try not to open too many tabs so I depend alot on using the back button history, but when I restart the browser, it loses most of it (looks like it only keeps the most recent 5-6 entries). I know in Firefox this can be increased to store more entries -- can we increase the storage size or at least give an option to tweak this? If this isn't a problem for others, I'd be curious to know why not -- am I just a super rabbit-holer online or do you guys have a workaround you use (like opening a bunch of new tabs from links). Thanks!
@scottedwards2000 I currently have eleven pages in my back history. If you're losing entries on restarting that may be a bug.
Please see How to Report a Bug
This link is on the Help menu, Report a Bug.
Let me check by restarting.
Yes. Some entries are lost. Report it as a bug — it might get the attention that it deserves. Restarting with last session should store the back history, unless perhaps one has Privacy set to Current Session Only.
I see seven entries on the list, but the back button is greyed out on restarting. The Back Gesture still works though, and then the button becomes active again. So, another bug there.
I have reported both issues in:
(VB-69266) Back Button and History Dropdown Inactive on Restart
@Pesala thanks so much for reporting this! I'm glad you see it as a bug. I know there must be a limit for how much is stored, but it seems like it should be the same as the limit BEFORE the restart, yes?
@scottedwards2000 I just tested again, and got 10 entries before and after restart. So do test a few times, and maybe submit another report.
It's interesting, @Pesala , -- it seems to vary based on whether you have that tab open upon restart. If I have it open, I have a history of 11, but when I have another tab open upon restart, it's back to a limit of 6. So weird!! Should I update the bug you reported with this info? I'm on win7 64bit btw.
@scottedwards2000 Submit your own bug report, then you can reply to the email that they send you if necessary. If you mention VB-69266 in your report that might save them a minute.
@scottedwards2000 This depends on the period selected in Settings, Privacy, Browsing History.
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