Guide | 🎲 Vivaldi Search Engines Collection 🎲
German Wordbook
Words and their linguistic explanation etc.
Digitales Wörterbuch der deutsche Sprache
@DoctorG said in Guide | Vivaldi search engines collection :
German Wordbook
Words and their linguistic explanation etc.
Digitales Wörterbuch der deutsche Sprache
Thanks for this tip, I have added to the search engine collection.
Cool, now the URL for suggestions would be nice.
This works in the address field:
Returns:[{"pos":"Mehrwortausdruck","hidx":null,"value":"Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht"},{"hidx":null,"value":"hunde-","pos":"Affix"},{"hidx":null,"value":"Hundeabteil","pos":"Substantiv"},{"pos":"Substantiv","value":"Hundearbeit","hidx":null},{"pos":"","value":"Hundeartige","hidx":null},{"pos":"Substantiv","value":"Hundeauge","hidx":null},{"value":"Hundeausstellung","hidx":null,"pos":"Substantiv"},{"value":"Hundebad","hidx":null,"pos":"Substantiv"},{"pos":"Substantiv","hidx":null,"value":"Hundebesitzer"},{"value":"Hundebiss","hidx":null,"pos":"Substantiv"}]
But does not really work in the address bar while typing, problem with response format?
@bariton said in Guide | Vivaldi search engines collection :
But does not really work in the address bar while typing, problem with response format?
Yes, working JSON response should be (example):
["TEST",["test","testout","test internet speed","testosterone","testing","testout corporation","testament","testbook"]]
It's a missing standard, or dwds does not care, or there is a better URL than
Most interesting for me is the etymology section, if its there : ) -
@bariton It's usually an idea to check the page source for any OpenSearch XML:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="DWDS Suche" href="/search.xml">
$ curl <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz=""> <ShortName>DWDS</ShortName> <Description>DWDS – Der deutsche Wortschatz von 1600 bis heute.</Description> <InputEncoding>UTF-8</InputEncoding> <Image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon">/favicon.ico</Image> <Image width="16" height="16" type="image/gif">/favicon.gif</Image> <Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}"/> <Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="{searchTerms}"/> <Query role="example" searchTerms="Haus" /> <moz:SearchForm>/</moz:SearchForm> </OpenSearchDescription>
So from that, working suggestions URL would be:
@Pathduck Nice, thank you Sir : )
Interesting news: Neeva search engine integrates AI answers:
@stardepp , also You, the difference is that Neeva is a paid service and You is free.
Anyway, just as apps with AI come out, soon the other search engines also include AI. -
Is there a way to add deepl write as a search engine?
can't figure it out.
@zikkeratak The DeepL search engine is already in my collection.
This post is deleted! -
@stardepp Yes, the translation but I'm talking about the writing tool... please check the link
@zikkeratak This particular website has no search function.
@stardepp Is th same as the dictionary 2 fields were you post text on one side and gets improve in the other.
is the exact same behavior the dictionary link you did.
just wondering it it can workout some how.
@zikkeratak Just because something looks the same does not mean it works the same
@Catweazle that's a cool search engine indeed
To add it to Vivaldi simply use this URL:
so we don't even need an extension -
Update 02 February 2023: I just added Perplexity (AI chat search engine) to the collection: