Session Management: Name of Session Somewhere Prominently on Browser
I am very happy with the ability to have separate sessions, but get confused very easily as to which session is open at any given time. It would be very helpful to be able to have the session name somewhere easily seen. Perhaps on the information bar (bottom bar). Thank you.
@sunrisescramble The thing is, you can open a session in the current window, adding its tabs to the current session. You can navigate to different sites in any tab, close tabs or open new tabs, so the current "session" very soon bears little resemblance to the opened session.
Thanks for the reply.
Your post is a good point for why the session name should be clearly seen. For example, It is helpful to keep my game mods section about game mods, and if my general surfing session transmogrifies into something it makes it easier to see when it is time to transfer some or all of the tabs to a more appropriate session name. When I close the browser I can close it with the general surfing profile, or if I know that I will be doing something particular next time, I close it on that particular session, e.g., "Game Mods -- Skyrim". Point is when I open the browser I know what session it is that is opening, and do not have to guess.
I suppose when exiting I could just get used to saving the last session, deleting all of the tabs, and then when restarting Vivaldi the fact that there is only one tab in the browser would prompt me to open an appropriate session, but that is not as good as just knowing what session I am closing, and in what session I am opening.
Yep, I would like this very much as well. I usually try to have 3 windows/sessions open (work, hobbies and temp/in-between things). But stuff get's cluttered pretty quickly as visually there's no difference.
I'd love to see some features to improve the sessions:
- naming/renaming sessions
- showing session name
- different theme per session
- auto saving sessions [^1]
- when starting vivaldi give the option to choose which session(s) you want to open [^2]
^1. After opening vivaldi, I always open the different windows from last time from the 'closed tabs' to make sure the I do not lose them. If I forgot and restart Vivaldi I have lost them all.
^2. Ideally, just open a empty window and on the Start page there is (next to the bookmarks) an overview of last sessions that can be opened. -
I have been using sessions to save tabs related to projects that require different browser based programs (based in google docs or other cloud-based content creation programs). I would love a way to tell which window contains each project (by color, or by title). This would retard the session scramble described earlier in this thread. It would also be really neat to be able to easily update my saved session so that the specific layout for each project at the end of the day could be reopened at a later date. Right now my sessions folder is a mess because each time I want to save my layout it creates a session with a unique name. It is cumbersome to go in and delete the old session with the same name before creating a new one.
@dittothat I don't think this request is going anywhere for the reasons that I stated above.
Vote for Names for Windows, which I assume is possible.